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Dark Age Miniature painting Contest on CMON


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Dark Age Games have partnered up with the World's largest painted miniature gallery CoolMiniOrNot.com to do an exciting miniature painting contest. We started with one of Brom's orginal artwork, and asked sculpting legend Tom Meier to bring it to life. Everything first class from start to finish.

A little about Lilith. Lilith measures 32mm to the eye and 35mm to the top of her head. She belongs to an unreleased Forsaken Prevailer faction in the Dark Age game universe. She will be limited to only 888 Worldwide, 488 will be available exclusively on the CMON shop. While the rest will only be available at the Dark Age booth at selected conventions and given out as prizes until she is sold out. She is the first ever Dark Age miniature that is limited edition. When Lilith finally gets released in the Dark Age game World, a different version of her will be available.

Contest will begin immediately. Contest ends on 12/31/07 at midnight Eastern standard time. Voting will last until 01/15/08 at midnight Eastern standard time.

Contest Rules:

1) You can order and enter as many times as you like, but all the pictures of your entries must be hosted on CMON's server. External links are no longer accepted for competition purposes.

2) You must use Lilith as a starting point in order to enter the painting competition. Conversions, scenic bases and dioramas are welcomed.

3) The entry must be submitted by the painter of the miniature.

4) When submitting your entry, make sure you put CMON7 Contest as your entry title.

First Round Prizes:

1) Top scoring entry will receive a $50.00 shopping spree at the CMON store.

2) Runner-up will receive a $25.00 shopping spree at the CMON store.

3) Second Runner-up will receive a $10.00 shopping spree at the CMON store.

4) 5 random entries will be receiving a miniature from the CMON miniature line of your choice.

5) Top 5 entries will be included in the next CMON annual. (provided we receive appropriate high resolution pictures meeting our requirements when we contact you)

There is more! This is actually two painting contest in one. You first submit your entry to CMON following the rules above for the CMON prizes. Then, the top 10 entries will be voted a second time around on the Dark Age forum for a second round of prizes.

A poll will be started in the Dark Age General Discussion forum ( http://www.dark-age.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=1 ) on 1/16/08 with the links to the top 10 scoring entries. Members of the Dark Age community will decide if they agree with the CMON scoring by voting on these entries. voting will be tallied on 1/30/08, and winners announced.

Second Round Prizes:

1) Entry with the most votes will receive a $50.00 shopping spree at the Dark Age on-line store.

2) Entry with the second most votes will receive a $25.00 shopping spree at the Dark Age on-line store.

2) Entry with the third most votes will receive a $10.00 shopping spree at the Dark Age on-line store.

3) the rest of the entries that was voted on in this poll will receive a Special Edition Dark Age miniature of their choice: SE Forsaken Saint Mark, SE Forsaken Saint Mark, SE Forsaken Bane #1, SE Forsaken Bane #2, SE Forsaken Strike, SE Forsaken Flense, SE Forsaken Faithful, SE Forsaken Junker, SE Skarrd Sister Charity, SE Skarrd Charity Zeal, SE Skarrd Charity Might, SE Skarrd Buzzblade #1, SE Skarrd Buzzblade #2, SE Skarrd Harpy, SE Brood Helexa.

What are you waiting for? World class art work; beautiful sculpt and you get twice the chance to win some prizes with painting the miniature only once? get yourself a Lilith today and start painting!

Lilith will be available exclusively on CMON on-line store.

Events | Posted by: DA_Grafter on 2007-11-09


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Sounds like DA has taken a few hints from Wyrd with the random prizes.... Do you think they got the idea from here?

But I agree with Skya, I'm not really liking the head on this mini. In the artwork, she's obviously wearing a fur hat and has a sweet face, but the mini she just appears to have really ratty hair and a coarse face that doesn't resemble the artwork's at all.

I may just buy her anyway to enter in hopes of winning a random schm...er... whatever.. prize!

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And just on my personal pet peeve note:

Is it written somewhere that in any company that produces female minis that one must be named Lilith (or any spelling variation thereof). Gaaahhhhhhh! They're everywhererererere!!!

*EDIT* It makes me want to make a mini of a male dressed in drag and name him "Thilil".

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I like this mini overall, but I agree in wishing the hair looked much closer to the artwork.

I am going to try to enter this contest, though I don't have any particularly good ideas right now. I recall a lot of very creative stuff in earlier CMON contests, very impressive.

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