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Tomb Raider Anniversary

Guest Eastern Front Studios

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Guest Eastern Front Studios

I picked this game up for the pc its really cool if you're a fan of the original game or never played before..there are a few bugs I found already in the first few levels where she melds into stone from jumps and your're graphics will most likely need a bit of adjusting ..with mine on certain areas the game bogged down but just turning a few super high quality things down like shadows made it run perfectly..but the upward jumps are a real pain ..in at least 2 spots the game is anal on you doing it perfectly..the dart room with the swinging pole..and another area just afterwards with a pole you must leap onto from a dragable cage..so Id suggest if youre not really good at the keyboard to use a gamepad..the game is eye candy loaded and different enuff from the orginal to make even someone who played it 10 years ago to enjoy it all over again...bugs aside pretty good stuff..

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Heh, I remember playtesting this game when it first came into my office and said .. 'huh .. Tomb Raider, what's that'. Ah, the joys of working for software companies in those days.

No interest in it myself though I've got some friends who are slobbering at the mouth in order to get ahold of it. Actually, come to think of it, I haven't seen them or heard from them in a few days, betting they already got it and hid out.

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Guest Eastern Front Studios

LOL thats hilarious Nate((its definitely time consuming)) I recall playing this game orginally and cursing quite often and yes its sometimes a real ordeal figuring the puzzles out or finding everything per level((thats my goal this time around anyways))...

yeah I would be interested also on some reviews of the Wii...Im told its a real workout for like the boxing game...also the new Playstation 3...at $400-600 a pop it would have to really be amazing for me to drop that sort of cash..considering what a good pc we could buy for the same amount...

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BTW Wren, what do you think of the Wii after having had it for awhile? Sort of eyeballing it for the future (more the kids to be honest, but I'll play it a bit I'm sure).

Honestly we haven't played Wii much for the past few months, but that's a lot less to do with the system and a lot more to do with too many jobs/hobbies/etc. sucking up our time.

I really do feel like the input method of the Wiimote and nunchuk are pretty unique and innovative, and that they have a lot more impact on the game experience than the obsession with graphics of the XBox 360 and PS3. (We also have an XBox, PS and have been using PCs for ages, so that's my basis for comparison.) The implementation of it can vary, and the best games are those where the devs have really integrated the devices into the game play in a way that works well and makes sense. Which I suppose is true to a degree in any game, but I think goes a bit beyond for games for this system. The mini-games of Super Monkey Ball seemed like they should be loads of fun, but because of poor device implementation are anything but. Whereas the base sports games that it comes with can seem goofy if you just read a description and see a screenshot or two, but are very entertaining. And for something like Link's sword, it's pretty cool to actually be making motions that are kind of like hacking and slashing instead of just pressing buttons.

If you're not a particularly active person, you can get a bit of a workout playing this. I read an article recently of a doctor who diagnosed himself with 'Wiitis' or something like that after straining his muscles playing a particularly active game for several hours. I think his explanation was that if you were actually swinging a baseball bat or what-have-you, the weight of the item tires you out more so you can't do it as long, whereas with something like this it's more of a repetitive strain injury and you might not feel the effects until later, so you have fewer cues to stop. Though in my experience it's not like you don't start to suffer if you're excessive with regular video games or PC games.

The natural motions and simple game play of stuff like the base sports games and better party style games make this pretty accessible for visitors to just jump in and play, and I think stuff like goofing around making your own avatars and what-not also increases the appeal for non-gamer types.

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Love this game!

I've been a TR fan from way back and I've managed to turn my daughter into a gamer (much to my ex-wife's dislike :D ) and the TR games are her favorites. Got Anniversary a day or two after it came out.

True, the game has a few glitches, but it's still TR and it's still fun. Best of all, before TR:A came out, I went back through the original, just to get reaquainted with it. It's so cool going through Anniversary and seeing things that look so familiar, but with much better graphics and interaction.

Fighting the T-Rex? Sooooooooooo much cooler now.

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Guest Eastern Front Studios

Hinton yep that T-rex is a mother now..mainly tricking it into hurting itself by charging((thats where I am now and on hard..whewww...the chomps/tail swipes hurt!!! lol))..yep its definitely good fun all these years later and the eyecandy is a real bonus..thats awesome you got the daughter into it also :)...I have a pc version that I bought at one point that had extra levels not on the orginal game ((I think tomb raider gold)) Temple of the cat or some such but it was when i had first gotten into pc gaming from the playstation controller and it was a royal pain learning the keyboard from the controller so i never got very far LOL...but now the OS I have now wont even run that older one being too powerful...

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EFS, you may be able to run the old games under DOSbox or an similar emulator.

(I´m currently playing Master of Orion again under DOSbox). Make sure to get a front end for your OS though (D-Fend for Windows XP e.g.) or starting the game is a pain in the a..

A friend of mine has a Wii and I had the chance to play with (or against) him. We played most of the sports pack that comes with it, Madden and I saw him play Zelda.

I liked the sports games. They are fun, you can play with many people (if you have enough controllers) and have a low starting threshold. Everybody can play right away and have fun and success. Doing the motions with the controller is a fun way to play, even if you exaggarate the motions at first (when all you really need to do is flicking or twisting your wrist).

Well, Madden NFL, that was a pain in the ass for a newbie (Not a football noob, mind you, but this particular game) I played almost all Madden versions since it came out first in the early nineties and the I guess they overloaded the game with features over the time. Unless you spend much time honing your controlling skills, you stand no chance at the game. It´s no fun for casual play - and that´s where the strength of the Wii is IMHO.

Can´t say much about Zelda. It looked ok and my friend obviously has fun playing it.

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Guest Eastern Front Studios

Lauth excellent I was wondering if there was any such thing out there that would allow the older games to be played , thanks I will have a look :)

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