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So what do people think? there are only about 100 comercials on a day for this one now days, but i'm worried it looks like another dusk til dawn, all style and very very little substance.

Although it looks like there will be zombies, and I'm a zombie movie fan, so I'll have to see it, but my hopes aren't real high for it, despite all the build up they're doing...

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I havn't seen any stuff for this our side of the pond, but there was an article in The Guardian and iv seen the trailers and stuff on the net.

It looks really authentic, and althugh Iv never been to a grindhouse, i remember watchin all these types of films when i was about 14-15 at about 3am.

One thing to say though:


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yeah, Tarantino really seems to have this inner struggle. He always seems driven to create overstylized films, but it seems sometimes it seems he gets too caught up in just the style and forgets to add little things like an interesting plot and character development. Now when he does include those things it makes for great film, there is no arguing, however since all the trailers for this just seem to be more about screaming "how cool does this movie look" it makes me worried that's all the movie itself focuses on...just for 2 hours

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I have no expectations at all about Rodriguez's part, as I don't appreciate any of his previous films. Actually, From Dusk till Dawn is probably the best thing I've seen from him and that says something, eh? ;) Sin City did very little for me and the old Desperado films aren't that great either.

But if Tarantino's part sucks I'll be disappointed.

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Guest Eastern Front Studios

well I think if you have seen the short interviews they have been playing where Tarantino is speaking about the movies its going to be made to be pretty cheesy crash and boom just like he watched when he went to the drive in.so dont expect any academy awards here ;)

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I'll be going to see it since I love these kinds of movies. Sometimes you want a plot with lots of character development and a great storyline that makes you think; sometimes you just want to turn the ol' brain off.

I'm a big Kurt Russell fan, love Tarantino's work and Rodriguez has done some pretty good work (didn't care for the Spy Kids stuff, though).

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