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Charon Productions Miniature Cases / KR Multicase


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I own 2 charon cases, a skirmish and a scout pack and am thinking of buying a third. I love them a lot. The cases are quaility built and very tough. And I love the foam tray they are very soft and protect paintjobs well, but are still very sturdy and secure. Large akward and pointy models can be a bit of a problem though. I really recomend them highly. My Charon cases have put about 4 "Army Transport" into retierment at the top of my closet.

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First off I not saying anything bad about Army Transport, it is a quality product from a great company. I have probably owned half a dozen over the years, and they all served me well. But I have just come prefer Charon at this point.

I have only bought the deluxe versions of the Charon products, so I can only speak for them, are the more ruggedly constructed hard sided ones, and they are just very well put together. They are just more solid than any Army Transport I have found. I also like the real handle they have in addition to the shoulder strap, Army Transports only have a strap.

Second Charon’s foam is just the best I have found. It is soft, pliable, flexible, and supports models great with out wearing a paint job. I have owed about 4-5 different generations of Army Transport foams and none of them are as nice IMO.

As far as customization goes, personally I think it is often overrated. I have found the majority of models don’t really need it. Now there certainly are minis and armies that benefit greatly from it, and I think using it then is great. But if your army doesn’t really need it you end up with tons of wasted tray space. All in all, I carry nearly 2 Army Transports worth of models in one Charon Scoutpack.

Last as far as the price thing goes, they are Canadian. Those prices are in Canadian dollars, so the actual cost is a good deal less than what it looks like. They don’t seem to point out this fact well enough and I have seen it confuse people quite often. Of course they are still not cheap, but they are pretty competitive with the Army Transports as far as price goes.

Army Transports are very nice and have come to really be the dominant mini bag in the market. But there are some other products out there that people might like even better if they tried them. I’m just chirping up for Charon as they happen to be my current bag of choice.

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Thank you everyone who has commented.

Let me just explain a little bit more about my situation. I have limited space to store my miniatures and am looking for something better than the GW cases (for the ~30mm stuff) and random boxes (for the larger stuff). I have an Army Transport case that I am happy with for my 'mechs. I would like something to protect the few that I have painted and that will minimize the amount of storeage space I need.


Thanks for the input. I actually have an Army Transport case. I use it to store my (unfortunately unused, old school) 'mech's. It's a nice case for them, but I am looking for something that better fits my needs for my ~30mm miniatures. I have limited space in my closet so need something that I can stack and/or keep on a high shelf.


Thanks for pointing that case out. I can't really use it to solve my bulk storage needs, but it might just be the thing for transporting a few mini's to I-CON or for the chess set that I've wanted to make forever. I will definitely keep that in mind.


Thanks. That was the kind of information that I was hoping to get. How is the size of the individual compartments? The compartments in the K&R case seems larger. I know that the ones in the GW cases that I am currently using can be cramped for some miniatures.

Thanks again for everyone's time. It was very nice of all of you to take time to give me your input.

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I am looking for something that better fits my needs for my ~30mm miniatures. I have limited space in my closet so need something that I can stack and/or keep on a high shelf.

I only have 1 "bag" for my army transport but I have way more trays than will fit it. I use the extra trays as stackable storage and I can put whichever I want to take with me into the bag when I go somewhere. You can always buy more filler trays without more bags.

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I only have 1 "bag" for my army transport but I have way more trays than will fit it. I use the extra trays as stackable storage and I can put whichever I want to take with me into the bag when I go somewhere. You can always buy more filler trays without more bags.

An interesting idea. I may have to pick-up a few extra trays and see how that works for me.


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