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News: Crocodile games online paintingcontest


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Running till november Croc has started an online painting competition. (if you want to enter... finish your Wyrd Rotten Harvest pieces first or I'll whack ya ;) ... well not really... well maybe...)

Unfortunatly the ones you can enter are very limited. There are 2 and you need to enter both.

We're looking for some fantastic images of 2 miniatures from our range: the Basti Courtesan & Harem Guard, from the "Catnip Deal" Starter Set. Crocodile Games will feature the willing entry in a printed product in 2007, and the winner will also receive $100 cash or $200 credit in the Croc Store! So paint some Basti, and the Croc will make you rich and famous! (Well, sort of...)


which rules me out, as I don't have these and have no way of getting them (ordering online directly from them is out of the question due to shippingcosts, which is way more then i wanna spend on that).

Contest Rules:

1. Only one entry per person.

2. The miniatures may be individually based, or based together in a diorama-style setting -- feel free to be creative! The entry must prominently feature both the Basti Courtesan and the Harem Guard as the central figures, although it may contain other Crocodile Games miniatures and bits. Miniatures or bits from other manufacturers are not allowed.

3. All entries must be posted to the Crocodile Games Forum Gallery to be considered. GALLERY OF ENTRIES

4. The deadline for all entries is midnight Thursday, November 30, 2006. Judging will be done over the following weekend, and the winner will be announced on Monday, December 4th. Judging will be done by Sekhmet and the Croc Staff, but we will consider the popular rankings of the Gallery during our decision-making process (and then pick the one we like anyway).

5. The winning entry must be sent to the Crocodile Games studio during the week following the contest for photography, and it will be returned to the entrant within 7 days. (Note, if the winner has the capability to take suitable high-resolution photos according to Crocodile Games' specifications, this step may not be necessary.)


The winning entry will be prominently featured in an upcoming Crocodile Games printed product in 2007. The winner will also receive their choice of the following: $100 cash, or $200 in credit at the Crocodile Games online store.

The second place entrant will receive $50 credit in the Crocodile Games store.


Marike Reimer will be one of the judges... so atleast you won't be up against her.

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Jeez. :rolleyes: Why the heck do they limit this? Here are the facts.

1. I love Croc minis.

2. I would love to enter a Croc painting contest.

3. I have zero interest in anything Basti.

So I guess you can count me out. It seems rather dumb to me to make the contest so narrow. It really only serves to shink the number of people participating.

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I love basti, and i would definatly have joined in... but i don't have these.... So... pass.

And yes it is a bit to narrow like this I agree. it will definatly reduce the amount of people joining in. Maybe they should have atleast taken 1 or 2 miniatures from each fraction instead. But i guess it's easier to compare paintjobs like this.

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That is a weirdly specific painting contest, yeah. At first I thought maybe the goal is to try to limit the entrants to be more likely players than pure painters, since the subjects are from a package deal. But I don't think that's it, as they're offering them for separate purchase during the duration of the contest, and it seems like a more diorama style approach is likely to catch the judges' eyes.

I'd be happy to try my hand at a Croc, and I quite like the Basti. But to have to order away for just these figures, and then to have to paint both... the parameters are just too narrow for me at this time. Though it would be pretty cool to have a paint job featured in printed promo material and stuff. I'll be very interested to see how many entries they get on this.

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