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The Kraken (using Reaper parts)


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This is one of my entries for the Exodus-Road Pirates 2006 Painting Contest. I call it "The Kraken." I used two sets of Reaper #02634B Well of Doom tentacles, made the ship out of Sculpey, and messed around with some Woodland Scenics Water Effects for the water.

This won first place in the Bilge Rats category, as well as Best of Show, Most Creative, and Best Base. I'm still pretty amazed that I won anything at all. blink.gif I really don't think I paint that well yet. A big thanks to Wyrd for being a sponsor of the contest! :D

Comments/critiques are always welcome.


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First of all... It IS painted well. Colours are nicely contrasting, no blodgy paint and good colours (and i like purple ;) ).

But though that looks very good the sthrength is is origionality (great idea, not just taken out of a package and unique) and the sence of action. The water splashes nicely (good convincing watereffect and effective painting of it), you can almost see the tentacles move and hear the ship breaking.

So in short. I'm not amazed at all that it won what it did.

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Thanks, Cindy, for the explanation. Now I can see what people mean by "wow" and "great" .... those are nice adjectives, but they don't tell me what others see when they look at it. I learn more that way than from a simple "good job!" ;)

Having just seen Pirates of the Caribbean II when I found out about the contest, I was really inspired to do this piece, and I guess it shows. Thanks for all your comments. :proud:


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