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NEWS: 12 new minis available at Reaper online store

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Reaper added the 12 latest minis to their online store this week:

  • 3079: Nyree, Female Pit Fighter by Werner Klocke


  • 3080: Anwyn, Female Bard by Werner Klocke


  • 3082: Ingrid, Female Gnome by Derek Schubert


  • 3083: Requius, Death Warden by Bobby Jackson


  • 3084: Virina, Female Demon by Werner Klocke


(painted by Amy Brehm)

  • 3085: Labith, Female Spider Centaur by Julie Guthrie


  • 3087: Battle Troll by Jason Wiebe


  • 3088: Bagheera, Demonic Ape by Jason Wiebe


  • 3089: Horus, Egyptian Statue by Bob Olley


  • 3090: Ilkhan the Boody, Evil Warrior by Werner Klocke


  • 14292: Reven Standard and Musician by Ben Seins


  • 14299: Saramonde, Crusader Chronicler by Gene Van Horne


They also updated their "ReaperVision" page which has 360 degree views of four of their painted minis. Their web-god kit now has Fridays scheduled to add to this page. Requires quicktime

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Nobody likes "Ingrid, Female Gnome?" :( Maybe it is just my fond childhood memories of Frodo with the Phile of Galadriel (I think that is what it was) from the cartoon version of Return of the King? Looks like a cool mini for trying OSL on also. On the other hand... Not that I like the figure, but "Ilkhan the Boody, Evil" would make a great comedy piece if you added a banana peel under his foot. :)

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