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Some new Fenryll figures


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I don't know how long these have been around so they might not be brand new. But I haven't seen them before myself and i check the site pretty regularly.

Anyway, if they are old... sorry for that ;) ... Here is a small selection of the new Fenrylll resin figures. As always I must say I personally aren't impressed by a lot of them as the sculpting quality can vary greatly. And they are pretty highly priced at that (and the figs i own from then all had some airbubbles in the resin, easily fixed... but still extra work). But there are a few nice things among this batch:

One of two dungeon tile pieces. looks nice though a bit pricy at 40 euro's. But then again i never bought anything like this as i don't play games with my miniatures, so i don't know what's normal for a piece like this.


and apparently the figs that go with the game the tile pieces are for (35 euro)


A new whimsical Naheulbeuk figure retailing for 4 euro. Might not be everyones taste, but I think they are fun. I have a weakness for the whimsical... and these are nice and reconisable and different then most other miniatures around:


A nice Anubis but in my eyes overpriced at 7 euro:


And my favorite bit this time round (but be warned I'm biassed as they are dwarves)... 25 euro's:


Bit GW-like but fun. I like the one who's lighting the cannon the most.

Fot the rest see: http://www.ulgaard.homeip.net/Gorgone_EN/Fenryll/Fenryll.asp

So some nice figs but no real must haves for me.

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The items marked Dungeon Twister weren't designed for RPGers. Dungeon Twister is a strategy board game with a dungeon theme. Each player controls a team of characters. The 'board' is a set of 8 tiles of 4 pairs. These are laid out randomly and face down at the start of the game. Players place half of their characters in the dungeon area and half on their home line. Characters with line of sight to a dungeon tile room can flip over that tile. The goal is to move a certain value of points worth of characters and objects across the dungeon and through your opponent's home line. You can also get points for killing the opponent's characters. Some characters are speedier than others, some tougher, and many have special abilities, like the thief can move over trap spaces, the wall walker can walk through walls, etc. The Twister part is that each tile has a mechanism in the center of the room that a character can land on to turn that tile OR its colour matched partner.

It's probably a little simpler than I've managed to make it sound there. It's a great strategy game, fairly simple to use, but a lot of strategy in the play. Players have exactly equal resources, but the random placement of rooms and the hidden placement of characters and items (there are a small selection of items like a rope that allows any character to move over trap spaces or a weapon or armour to improve fighting/defense) helps each game play out a little differently and keeps it from being too chess like.

The base game is for two players and comes with all cardboard parts. There is a Paladin and Dragons expansion that adds new characters, items and rooms, a Water and Fire expansion that does likewise, and a 3 and 4 player expansion that allows the base game to be played with up to four players. I don't think all of those are out in English yet, but Paladins and Dragons is, and the 3 and 4 player expansion is on the way.

Anyway, the figures shown here are 3D 'upgrades' intended for fans of the board game to buy. The ones shown here are from the Water and Fire set. Figures are also available from Asmodee/Fenryll for the base set and the Paladins and Dragons set. The room shown there is a 3D version of a Dungeon Twister tile. I know Christophe Boelinger (the designer of this game) was hoping to get a full set of 3D replacement tiles, but at 40 Euro for the pair, I'm thinking it's not going to happen, but I could be wrong. There's nothing that makes these figures unsuitable for RPG or other standard miniature use, other than I think you do have to buy them as a set. The resin for the figures is slightly coloured, so that players who don't want to paint them can still get two distinctly coloured sets to know which belongs to which player.

For more information on the game and a look at some of the other figures available, check out http://www.boardgamegeek.com/game/12995. The expansions have their own pages on that site which I can link to if anyone is interested to see the figures or other elements that come with them. Fenryll's site looks to be down at the moment. Also please note that board gamers have different standards for painting and photography than mini painters, so not all the pics are going to be wonderous works of art. ;->

Board gaming is my other hobby/passion, so I have purchased the base sets of figures for the base game and hope to paint those some time. I'm still debating whether to get some of the additional sets or just get more board games. ;->

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Unless you have a player who really takes a long, long time deciding on actions for a turn, a game should play out in 45-60 minutes. If you pick it up, I hope you have fun with it! The cardboard sets are pretty reasonably priced for board games, the 3D add-ons are for die-hard fans, I guess. :->

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