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Hi Again!

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Didn't see a shout box so I thought I'd just shout "HI!" here. Been a looong time since I've checked in, but wanted you all to know that I'm still around (even though I haven't painted dang thing in the last year).

Hope everyone is doing well. Talk to ya later!

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Hey Dawn, has been a long time since you and Grumb dropped in, don't make strangers of yourselves!

As for the shoutbox, it wasn't really getting used it its new location and I got tired of looking at a shout that had been there for a week or better, so pulled it and you are the first person to mention it missing so I don't imagine too many folks miss it. :D

Hope all is well with you, drop in and keep us company here, miss you.

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Hiya Dawn! I chatted with your hubby the other day, he was in Vienna. I asked him to bring me back some of those little sausages....

Good to see you.

SV - you'd have to pry them out of his hands first!! :D

Hi to Everyone - it's been a busy, busy year! With Scott travelling so much I just don't have a lot of time to visit here or CMON. But, I promise I'm going to try and do better!

Hope everyone's having a GREAT summer!

P.S. Our vacation (just us adults!) to Turks & Caicos was great! If I can find any decent pics of us I'll try and post them. Talk to ya'll later!

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Email me girl! (Use the Yahoo one) There been a lot of changes in my life recently, and I haven't been on the forums much, due to a lack of a home computer (I'm writing this at work, shame on me). We gotta catch up, LLS!

I need to visit more often, I'm not "Wyrd" enough! ;)

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