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NEWS: MSB Toys - Yi Rat Warrior

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Not really, and with things as they stand, not likely. MSB has some nice stuff but in the end I don't think we'll be carrying the line as there is a lot involved with it with minimum orders, method of payment, etc, etc.

We'll most likely focus on Wyrd products, as frankly, I've got my hands full enough it seems with keeping things running straight and even. :D

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Well thats a little disapointing, but I fully understand.

I have been able to justify the $20 for shipping once now. It will probably be awhile before I can again though. It takes a pretty high critical mass of minis I "must" have to throw down that much for postage. I hope someone in the US jumps this bandwagon, and makes them easier to get over here.

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Guest Eastern Front Studios

the animation is great which makes the MSB stuff standout but the sculpting on this one and the toothpick weapon doesnt do much for me after seeing some of the other things they have... it would be at the bottom of my MSB want list I think maybe if we could see the details a bit better or painted I might change my mind.my 2 cents

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