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Old Crow Models...

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I've been looking around the web recently trying to find some 'futuristic' vehicles to go with the Urban War and Void stuff I have...

I stumbled across this site


He has got a bunch of REALLY COOL vehicles...




and ships too...


The pricing wasn't too bad either, so I dropped him an e-mail and told him I was worried about scale (since they said 25mm). He promptly replied back and shared a bunch of pictures from Kevin Dallimore showing scale with the Foundry's FUTURE WARS figs....




Anyhow plenty of tanks, cars, hovercars, skimmers...Too cool!

I just placed a order!


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Thanks a lot Jim...there goes a lot of money down the drain again...:D

Those are VERY cool indeed! I must have several of those buggies and that dropship and one of those tanks and...ARGH!

Several people I showed the link to were very enthousiastic as well, so that will be one big order :D

Thanks for the link!

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Thats a good deal! I was hoping someone else thought they were cool. The man seemed very friendly and does a great job with those....

And actually, the spaceship was reminescant of this:

FORGEWORLD Vulture Gunship


Granted the Forgeworld one is probably a bit bigger and really is Uber cool, but It alone costs 65GBP...where I spend about that much and got arm loads of cool thingies from Old Crow.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm not sure what the Hammers Slammers are, but they do have some cool looking stuff there also.

I did get my order from OLD CROW...I love the stuff. Its made with a resin/plastic, and it may just be a tad smaller than I like, but it is extremely well cast.

Maybe someday I'll paint it...but i wouldn't hold your breath....LOL

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