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NEWS: New Magnificent Egos Greens

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(Lovely miniature...except for those supid dove wings! Looks like they only made some indentations on it and now they don't look like wings at all. Shame)



(Woah! That is original and dynamic! I like him)

The Hammer


(A lot of character in this guy. The only thing I don't like is the supersharp cheekbone he has...could be a photothing though.)



(Nice. Cool to see a model with 2 Quarterstaved...but I preferred a more dynamic pose though)

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The Hammer and The Monk are both ok. The others are pants.

Have to disagree with you there: the Monk is also pants.

(pardon while I use two 2-handed weapons simultaneously, thus completely ruining the mechanical advantage of each and likely snapping my own wists!) (oh yeah, and it's chilly here so I'll wear my hood - but I'm not wearing any pa-ants!)

The lady would be nice if it weren't for the damn birds. She's caught in an Alfred Hitchcock movie!

ME has a problem with doing nice sculpts then covering them with shite.

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wait... pants = bad?

Isn't English your mother tongue, Eric? :P:

I don't like any of these except the monk which is quite nice. I'm not too bothered about the weapons since, if I should buy one, it won't be doing much fighting... ;)

Who came up with the concept of the lady with the birds???? What an abomination!

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Tyanta I don't like the face or the birds, but the rest of it looks nicely done. Need to fix up the face the most though I think and the birst really should have had feathers.

Kaalaner is different, I think with the right paint on him he will come out looking alright, especially with all that cloak ready for freehand. I'll reserve judgement on him till I see someone take a crack at him with some competence.

Hammer and Monk are sculpted well, just don't do anything for me.

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