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The Story of Killjoy

Nathan Caroland

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Agent Banks looked on as the last adjustments were made to the restraints of Jonathan K. Filmore, a man that many described as unobtrusive, plain and otherwise, normal. That was until you looked into his dark eyes, which showed an intense intelligence and some would say, a touch of madness.

Ten years the authorities had hunted this lunitic as he killed across fifteen states and his known body count was in the high seventies, though it was speculated that it was much higher. Mutilations, dismemberments, torture and more unsavory acts were commited on helpless victims over the years and the mans constant taunting of the authorities in his letters which he had taken to signing 'Killjoy' after one major newspaper had dubbed him so early in his rampage. Men, women and children, it didn't matter, the man had worked his butchering on all of them.

After ten years of pursuit, he had finally made a mistake by killing Senator Kelly's only daughter. It wasn't well known that the young college student was the Senator's child, using her mothers maiden name while attending school, but in killing her Jonathan Filmore had made a grave mistake as the old goverment official called in every favor owed to him in his long career and made it his goal to have his daughters murderer captured. Resources and other unorthodox methods were made available and shortly after the man had been taken in a spectacular raid which was still being aired on the television months later.

The trial was swift with only the barest hint of laughable defense put forth on the condemed Filmore and he was sentenced to Death by lethal injection.

That was two days ago, and as far as the world knew Mr. Filmore had indeed died from a lethal dose of Potassium Chloride and had been cremated. Instead though, the man lay strapped to a bed in a secret facility where some of the more dangerous experiments contracted by the goverment were run. Senator Kelly's planned revenge was much more brutal than a swift trial and death. Agent Banks made a mental note not to get on the old mans bad side.

The door to the observation room opened and Senator Kelly himself walked in with another agent and a doctor, both who defered to him. The man seemed possessed and deadly grim as he stalked to the mirrored glass to stare down at the man who had taken away his child. His eyes moved to the bloody patch of gauze covering the mans groin, and asked in a voice that demanded instant attention, "Was it done as I instructed?"

"Yes sir, no seditives, no medicines, per your instructions" the female doctor answers in a detached voice. Agent Banks watched the grim smile twist the Senator's face as he looked down on the mutilated man and repressed a small shiver. "Very well, your funding has been approved, and I believe you have your first specimen."

With a tight nod the woman leans forward and pushes the announcement button, speaking to the doctors and technicians below, "Proceed."

The screams were only slightly muted through the thick observation window.


Blood splashed across the room and gore splattered across the door and the security camera placed high near the ceiling, the blinking red light and the staring lense obscured by the gore.

Shotgun blasts and automatic rifle fire sounded through the halls and screams and cries of frustration echoed in the building as one by one the weapons were silenced and only the cries of agony and fear remained and they soon too were silenced by the monstrosity loosed upon them.


From the security room Agent Banks watched the destruction and butchering with a weak stomach while technicians hurriedly took notes and monitored the progress of the specimen as it went about its grissly task.

Over thirty men and women had been locked into that reinforced warehouse. Gangers, prisoners, police personal, members from several branches of the military, hell, there was even an old professional wrestler turned hitman in there somewhere. All of them had been 'acquired' for this experiment. Drugged and dropped off in the warehouse with a myriad of weapons made available to them, and then 'it' was released.

That was over an hour ago, and only moments ago the gunshots had fallen silent and the pained and panic screaming had stopped. On the screen a gigantic figure of putrid flesh, its grizzled body riddled with wounds, was doing something rather stomach turning to the recently, and messily deceased.

"An excelent showing wouldn't you say," one of the technicians was saying, a silly smill plastered on his fat face. It was all Banks could do not scream at the mans insanity.

Taking a deep breath he steadied himself, "Bring Killjoy in and access the damage. Field test Alpha Omega 3 is concluded at 00:17, all targets flatlined."

God help us he added silently.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nobody home but us Chickens!


I have something knocking around in the noggin' for more of the story, I just haven't had time to sit down and do it yet. I'll work on it here in the near future.

Hell, for that matter, here in the 'near' I think I'll just start up a Wyrd Writing Contest for the giggles of it and give the general plot overtones of the Wyrd Universe and see what people can come up with, and toss in some swag while I'm at it of course.

Never fear though - there will be more gore. And what did happen to that professional wrestler ...

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Nobody home but us Chickens!


I have something knocking around in the noggin' for more of the story, I just haven't had time to sit down and do it yet. I'll work on it here in the near future.

Hell, for that matter, here in the 'near' I think I'll just start up a Wyrd Writing Contest for the giggles of it and give the general plot overtones of the Wyrd Universe and see what people can come up with, and toss in some swag while I'm at it of course.

Never fear though - there will be more gore. And what did happen to that professional wrestler ...

YAY! I'll hold off on some stuff I was cooking up then!!

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