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Superfigs have been around for awhile, and they may not be the 'sexy' choice for mini-painters, there are quite a few in the gallery that look promising.

I'd love to see a few of the minis with 'better' paint.

Anybody have any thoughts/experience/info on them?


There are several in the "brick" category I like, but my favorite is in the 'vehicle' category...


Not to sound like a knock, but they have kind of a 'non-professional' feel that gives them ALOT of charm in my eyes.

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I thought these were being cancelled?

At least I'm sure Discounthobbies.com has stopped carrying them.

I like superhero figs. Citadel I think used to do some nice ones.

These have a few with great character, like Mistress Nightmare.

The one you show here reminds me of Captain Simian from "Captain Simian and the Space Monkeys."

I always marvel at the fact that there are so many good painters out there and yet mini companies still advertise their stuff with photos of crappy paint jobs.

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I thought these were being cancelled?

I always marvel at the fact that there are so many good painters out there and yet mini companies still advertise their stuff with photos of crappy paint jobs.

Thats a great point. I mean you could probably take any of the top 1000 from CMoN, and offer nothing but free minis, and you'd have a ton of talented painters hocking your wares.

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The human sized figs are, well, human sized really! That big dude I painted is troll/ogryn sized. Deinitely fit into the 28-32mm bracket.

They are generally extremely stylised and the cast quality isn't the greatest. Saying that, they're not that expensive considering the amount of lead you get.

One or two of them are excellent.

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so did you get them yet? (I'm so excited I think I'll start asking every day)

um...no, not yet.

Although I did just order them yesterday. Maybe I shouldn't start holding my breath just yet...

I ordered about 40 dollars worth of them, mostly from the 'brick' line. I shoulda got that giant monkey, but I thought I'd try a few before more...

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Superfigs have been around for awhile, and they may not be the 'sexy' choice for mini-painters, there are quite a few in the gallery that look promising.

I'd love to see a few of the minis with 'better' paint.

Anybody have any thoughts/experience/info on them?


There are several in the "brick" category I like, but my favorite is in the 'vehicle' category...


Not to sound like a knock, but they have kind of a 'non-professional' feel that gives them ALOT of charm in my eyes.

I've picked up quite a few of them for myself and friends who play the Champions superhero RPG. They're okay in terms of sculpting quality. They range from decent to well, ham-fisted... :( Sometimes the sculptor will even make feet by placing a foot-shaped bit of putty and just pushing down the top - looks like someone mashed their foot! But they have "personality" and as we all know, personality goes a long way... ;)

I like some of them because they do "odd" stuff you won't get from the HeroClix supers. The giant brick in one of the posts is a good example, as is stuff like this:

I just like her stance (and she's twice human size!)


My friend bought him as a Nazi for his 1930's campaign:





Unforunately in general a lot of the minis aren't as cool as these... Partially it's the sculpting to blame. I've seen the concept art they posted and it's pretty decent.

Take care,


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Yes, they came in the mail today. Veteran Day... :vb_tongue :vb_tongue

NO! Not yet. But I did get a confirmation in the email the other day....It just says I ordered stuff, but didn't say which.

The SUPER Nazi was one of the guys I did order. Along with several other in the BRICK category. I've been wanting to paint up a bunch of 'alternate WW2' minis, but mostly I'm just in the gathering stage... :peace:

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Welcome to the forums Buddha!

I think the charm of these minis for me is the fact they are a bit more crudely sculpted and anatomically incorrect.

No offense to Andy over at Heresy minis, but that's the same reason I love his stuff too. You will never confuse a Rackham sculpt with something Heresy puts out...which is the way it should be.

Different strokes for different folks I suppose, but I prefer minis with more character than plain perfection, and delicate details

I'm a ham fisted painter and try as I might I can't do justice to more delicate sculpts. I'd certainly like to, but I haven't been able to.

BTW...I STILL haven't got these in the mail yet...

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