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NEWS: Mandragor miniatures

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Hey all, this isn't exactly all new. But I don't think a lot of people have seen this so here goes.

The well known sculptor Gael as decided to launch his own line of minis: Mandragor miniature. It as lauchned yet because gael is waiting to have suficent funds to do so with a minimum of risque. In the mean will you can go and visit his website to see the greens of the upcoming minis. http://mandragoreminiatures.free.fr

I'll probably be getting a whole bunch of them when they come out because they definetly look yummy :P

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When I last spoke to Gael he said he had some personal problems that he was dealing with and hoped to have the miniature ready at the end of the year. I imagine right now he is just getting things together before moving on and releasing these properly.

Nice stuff, several of his pieces that I'm interested in.

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It as lauchned yet because gael is waiting to have suficent funds to do so with a minimum of risque.

This is a problem in translation. The way you wrote it implies he's not going to do many provocative women or suggestive poses.

I think you meant minimum risk, which would mean not as likely to suffer hardships.

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