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End Phase. Scoring VP. Scheme scoring order.



Looks like I've found a mismatch in the core rule book.

Page 21:


Score VP: Starting with the player with Initiative, Crews score Victory Points (VP) for objectives that score at the end of the Turn.

Page 36:


Score VP: Strategies are scored first, then Schemes. If multiple players and/or Schemes are scoring, the player with Initiative determines the scoring order.

For example:
The initiative player (P1) wants to score 2 Schemes and second Player (P2) wants to score 2 Schemes.

If we follow the rule on page 21, the scoring order would be: P1 scores his Schemes in any order, then P2 scores his Schemes in any order.

But if we follow the rule on page 36, then the scoring order can be absolutely anything the P1 decides.
For example:
P1 scores Scheme 1, P2 scores Scheme 1, P2 scores Scheme 2, P1 scores Scheme 2
P2 scores Scheme 1, P1 scores Scheme 1, P2 scores Scheme 2, P1 scores Scheme 2
P2 scores Scheme 1, P1 scores Scheme 1, P1 scores Scheme 2, P2 scores Scheme 2

In the second option, if we follow the rule from page 36, situations may arise when, due to the order of scoring, the player cannot score a Scheme due to some condition.

For Example:
At the Start of End Phase both player has 4 Scheme Marker (SM) on the table, both have Information Overload and Outflank Schemes.

If we follow the rule on page 21:
P1 can't scores Information Overload.
P1 removes 1 SM and scores Outflank.
P1 gains 1 VP total.
P2 has more SM on the table, removes 2 of them and scores Information Overload. 
P2 removes 1 SM and scores Outflank.
P2 gains 2 VP total.

P2 wins 1:2

If we follow the rule on page 36:
P1 chooses P2 to scores first Scheme.
P2 remove 1 SM and scores Outflank.
P1 chooses P2 to scores second Scheme.
P2 can't scores Information Overload.
P1 chooses to scores first Scheme.
P1 has more SM on the table, removes 2 of them and scores Information Overload. 
P1 chooses to scores second Scheme.
P1 removes 1 SM and scores Outflank.

The P2 cannot score for Information Overload because it is not their order, although the requirements are now met.

P1 wins 2:1

Which page's rules are considered correct?

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