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Waldo's Weekly - Fists of Fury

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Hey Wyrdos!

This week, Waldo found a black bungee cord. He promptly put it around his waist and proclaimed himself a master of all martial arts. We think this is a clever ploy to get away with practicing flying kicks in the office, so let’s take a look at some real practitioners of the punch:

 Arun Rajput and Elemental Boxers


Arun Rajput

Arun Rajput is a support model who isn’t afraid to get into the scrum. With Actions like Inside Fighting and Good Fundamentals he can direct the battle from a safe distance allowing models like an Ice Golem or Howard Langston to do the heavy lifting. When forced into a fight, Arun Rajput is no slouch as combining Fist of the Element’s Critical Strike Trigger with Focus is a deadly combo.

Arun Rajput’s usefulness doesn’t end at the end of his Activation. Mantra (Brawler) helps both Crews by allowing them to scry the top of their Fate Deck. Overall, Arun Rajput is a well-rounded model suitable for a lot of situations.



In M&SU Arun Rajput is a great midline support model. Inside Fighting provides a lot of value to the Keyword. It allows him to tell M&SU models (including Toni herself) to take yActions. In addition, Inside Fighting is valuable for the Mend Trigger, which allows Arun Rajput to pinch hit as a healer. This pairs well with Fitzsimmons’ Protected by the Union Aura, keeping an M&SU

Crew fit and healthy. His Keen Presence Ability is a massive benefit to Toni, allowing her to avoid being Stunned so she can continue to beat down enemies with Good Shot, My Turn.

I’ve Got Your Back is also notable in M&SU. As both Toni Ironsides and Arun Rajput have the Action, it allows the Crew a few ways to retreat from an engagement. Additionally, as Arun Rajput has supportive Actions and tends to stay farther away from a fight, a large beater can deliver a parting shot before being pulled to safety. Tag Out is also a very fun Trigger on I’ve Got Your Back as it allows Arun Rajput to swap places with the target and take the fight to the enemy. Using Tag Out after stacking Focused on Arun Rajput is a reversal worthy of a boxing coach.


In Elemental and Academic

When taken into Elemental and Academic, Arun Rajput provides the Sandeep player with options. Mantra (Brawler) allows Arun Rajput to either double-up on Kandara’s Mantra (Wisdom) for twice as much card draw, or replace her and provide a similar Aura effect. In Elemental heavy Crews, Arun Rajput’s Fist of the Elements gains a + flip when targeting a model engaged by an Elemental Minion, which allows it to hit consistently. His Fist of the Elements also plays well around Ice Gamin specifically as his Chill Trigger plays into their Frostbite Ability for extra damage.

Good Fundamentals is especially useful in a Sandeep Crew for two different reasons. To start, commanding other models to Concentrate is very good in general, but especially in Academic due to the prevalence of helpful Mantras. Beyond that, Good Fundamentals gives out the Elemental Keyword for the generated Concentrate Action. This means that your friendly Academic models can now benefit from all of the friendly Mantras effects in range. This helps open up Academic heavy builds as the Sandeep player isn’t missing out on Mantra synergy.


Elemental Boxers

Elemental Boxers are punchy Minions who are surprisingly durable with Df 6 and Hard to Kill. They’re solid hires as they can either help Push models and Markers around with their Punching Bag Action, or Attack three times per Activation thanks to Quick Jab.



In M&SU Elemental Boxers are a great replacement for Union Miners into punchier pools. Running an Elemental Boxer near Howard Langston gives him a friendly model with Unionized that will survive a few Attacks. Toni Ironsides, Union President, loves Elemental Boxers since they are Minions with a solid Attack Action, making them a perfect target for her Loyal Follower Trigger.


In Elemental and Academic

In a Sandeep Crew, the Elemental Boxers are great cleanup models to run in behind Elemental Minions. As Fist of the Elements gains a + flip if the target is engaged by Elemental Minions, Summoning them into a clump of enemies before an Elemental Boxer’s Activation is a great strategy. And if the Gamin or Boxers apply Conditions to enemies, Quick Jab has the Finisher Trigger which makes hitting enemies with Conditions very scary.

Outside of their punch, in a Sandeep Crew their Mantra is very cool. Mantra (Fury) isn’t new, as it’s on Sandeep Desai, but the big difference is that an Elemental Boxer’s role is to be closer to the fight. This means that you can ping enemies with Mantra (Fury) out of Elemental Boxers or friendly Elementals to weaken your opponents.

Malifaux’s worldwide campaign continues! If you aren’t caught up, check out the landing page here for information on how to participate. There’s still time to get games in and see which Fate will end up being Nia’s permanent future. Speaking of, we went ahead and clarified keywords and art concepts so there isn’t any confusion around who’s going where:


The campaign continues until May 31, so keep earning points for the faction you want to win!



We’ve got some other news as well. The pledge manager for Vagrantsong: Encore is still open but closing soon! If you want to get in on these awesome rewards, adjust your pledge, or add on some sparkling new scenarios (like Amigo the Devil), click here to do so until May 28!


Finally, the Bundle of Holding for Through the Breach continues until June 3. There are TWO great bundles being offered, with a portion of the proceeds going towards the Cancer Research Institute. One focuses on the Core Rules and four Penny Dreadful adventures, while the other contains FIVE expansion books packed to the brim with new mechanics and lore.

For more information, check out this link here.

That’s all for this week, Wyrdos! We’ve got lots of exciting stuff happening, so make sure you get in on all the fun!

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