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Waldo's Weekly - Colors of History


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Hello Wyrdos!

Waldo broke out his crayons and colored pencils again this week, and he’s been furiously drawing out a story he says will be the greatest of all stories, ever, no question. Most of the artwork looks to feature Waldo in various heroic situations, always saving the day… maybe we should look at a Story more based in reality?


Said to be a boy no older than 12, Thánh Gióng once led the forces of Vietnam to victory against insurmountable odds. He carried bamboo spears for protection, and rode atop a mechanical horse that breathed fire. Since Linh Ly took over the Red Library, his Story has flourished and returned to life.


Just like his legendary inspiration long ago, the Story of Thánh Gióng is ready to ride into battle atop his mechanical horse and protect those he holds most dear. His other Red Library and Story allies will, of course, be available in Madness of Malifaux later this month. 

But that’s not all! Fated and Fatemasters will be able to venture into the Red Library themselves in From Shadows, the upcoming expansion for Through the Breach. While we can’t reveal much more just yet, here’s a look at the Red Librarian Advanced Pursuit and its Advancement Steps! 


  • Step 1: Library Science 
  • Step 2: Shifting Text
  • Step 3: Well-Versed
  • Step 4: Rewrite the Story
  • Step 5: Treasures of the Red Library

The more knowledge Red Librarians have, the happier they are. High History and Literacy Skills let them apply book learning to lots of situations (and get rewards from doing so- daily Magia, anyone?). The most dedicated Librarians gain access to the Red Library’s secrets, going so far as to change reality itself for a time. Just make sure you follow all the rules and don’t forget your library card…

You can sate your desire for more Red Library knowledge by checking out Corner Case’s reveal on some of the Red Library keyword in the link below!

Remember, we’re offering a digital promotion on Madness in Malifaux! Check out the information below on how to claim a free digital copy of the book from DriveThruRPG. It will run until the end of the year, so you’ve got time to get your orders in.


Click here for more information

That’s all for this week, Wyrdos, but we’ve got more reveals on the way! Defective Dice will be going over all things Harold Tull and the Cavalier keyword later this week, so go check the channel out!

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