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Sparks Vs incorporeal

Chris P Bacon

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Played a game last night where it was a mechanized Mah list v kirai, never really faced incorporeal before so have a query. 

Incorporeal states: "this model ignores terrain while moving and is unaffected by hazardous terrain"

Now I get that they'd ignore pork chops vent steam as that specifies that non construct enemies treat the area as hazardous terrain. Would they ignore Sparks' scrapyard mines as that doesn't mention the word "terrain", only that "enemies treat the area within :aura1 of scrap markers within 6" as severe and hazardous (damage 1 and injured +1)”.

Also pittraps are markers and not terrain so does incorp ignore these?

I feel I'm reading too much into this as the seem like real nooby questions but can't seem to find any answers on the forums. Cheers.


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The second one is easy

Unless otherwise noted, Markers do not count as terrain and have no vertical distance (i.e., Height or Size). Markers that count as terrain will have one or more Terrain Traits (such as a Concealing, Severe Dust Cloud

Marker). (PAGE 28)

Some game effects are capable of creating Markers with the Hazardous Trait. All Markers with the same name (i.e., Pyre Markers, Pit Trap Markers, etc.) count as the same piece of terrain for the purposes of the Hazardous Terrain Trait. (Page 36)

So Pit Trap markers count as terrain.

I don't think there is anything that formally states that auras with terrain traits should count as the terrain, but all the rules about Hazadous only apply to hazardous terrain, so on the assumption its supposed to do something I have always treated it as hazardous terrain.


So yes, Incorporeal models will ignore both

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