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Rake the Eyes Trigger





mask.png: Rake the Eyes

Choose a Suit. The target must reveal the top 3 cards of its Fate Deck and discard any of the chosen suit. Place the rest back on top of the deck in any order.
Does the target (the other player) get to see what order the cards are placed back on the top of the deck?
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It's not 100% clear, but I'd say he does.

The cards are "revealed" (pg8 pdf) which means both players can see them, there isn't any point where the other player cannot look at the revealed card, so he should be able to know the order of the card placed back. If the cards were "looked at", then the other player wouldn't know.

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The cards have to go from revealed to on top of the deck. There isn't an extra stage between where you can mix them up and mask the order you're putting them on top.

Therefore, I'd think that they could see which card goes where/in what order the cards leave the revealed zone.

EDIT: Sorry, this is basically exactly what Ogid said xD

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