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Tournament advice


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I'm looking for some advice as my usual adviser can not be trusted this time (he plays the same tournament).

So I play Neverborn, as does half the player pool appearently (others are my feared 10T friends and Ressers), and I own Lynch, Titania, Zoraida and Lilith.

What would your crew suggestions be for the following S&S pools:

Game 1: Corner Depl. - Interference - Claim Jump, Eliminate, Frame for Murder, Tail Em, Inspection

Game 2: Standard - Guard the stash - CJ, Dig their graves, Covert breakthrough, Huntin party, Last stand

Game 3: Standard - Headhunter - CJ, Frame for murder, Accusation, Show of force, Recover evidence


I look forward to your suggestions :)

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Don't know Titania very well. For the 1. plus 3. I would imagine Zorida will perform well, especially the first one. Obey enemy models to kill your F4M target. Deny Elimi.ate and Tail 'em, as you can use raven form to get away. Use Waldgeists to tie up many models, denying Interference and so on. Lilith should do fine in all thre as well, but will be more of a support piece. 

Second set is basically designed for Lynch. You can score everything except Last Stand easily. Take Graves, Doppel, maybe Tots (but be careful because of Huntin P.), and possibly Nekima. 

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Personally for the first one I'd take Zoraida with spawn mother, McTavish, gupps and wisps. Get a gupp a turn and have two of them start 'from the shadows' in the corners for inspection and claim jump.

for the second one I'd take Titania maybe with queens champion and a mature nephilim for head hunter and dig their graves. Whilst Titania clears the stash markers.

for the third I'd take Lilith with some waldgeists, bad juju, doppelgänger and Mr Graves. Maybe Belima as well if the points allow. Go on a killing spree. Go for hunting party and maybe show of force.

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