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Pandora's Inflict/Misery vs. Steam Arachnids?


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Rules question. (I'll apologize up front if I've missed the answer - I'm not even sure what the correct search string would be.)

I recently played a Nephilim crew against Ramos and only remembered the spiders' Evasive ability once I had my Tot in their midst with my BBS set to Pustule. A sad day.

My question is whether Pandora's Inflict (plus Misery) would affect the spiders.

Here's the text of the relevant abilities:

Steam Arachnids' Evasive: This model is immune to damage caused by Pulse effects.

Pandora's (1) Inflict: Enemy models in Pulse 4 must succeed on a TN 14 Wp duel or suffer 1 damage.

The damage would not hit, of course, but they must still take the WP duel, which--if they fail--triggers Misery: When an enemy model within Aura 6 of this model fails a Wp duel, it suffers 1 damage after resolving the current Action.

It looks to me like the Misery point would still hit. Is that correct?

(Not the most efficient approach, but better than just bleeding on them, I guess...)


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You are right, they are immune to damage from pulses, but that immunity does not protect them from taking duels that pulses cause, even if the outcome is damage (They still won't take the damage even if they fail). Taking the test and failing it means they are eligible for Misery Damage. 

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I believe the faq has changed this...


10) Does being immune to damage caused by pulses make a model immune to the damage caused by failing a Simple Duel, if the Simple Duel was generated by a pulse? Yes.

correct me (please, i play Dora) if i'm wrong :) or are the Wp duels caused by the Pulse resisted duels (against Pandora)... in which case i've been doing it wrong lol

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The Wp duels from Inflict are simple duels. 

The FAQ tells use that the evasive prevents us from taking the damage from Inflict. That is damage from a pulse. 

The damage from Misery is not from the pulse. It is caused by you losing a Wp duel, but the damage is not from a pulse. The FAQ should not be read to say that Failing a simple duel that was caused by a pulse means no source can damage me from that. (Granted the only sources I can currently think of are Misery, and Copellius damage when you fail a horror duel), but rather the simple duels effects from the pulse won't damage me. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7 marzo 2017 at 5:52 PM, CaptainKerchar said:

i'm a little confused. I'm aware that the damage is done from failing the WP but doesn't the FAQ say that immune to pulse also makes the target immune to damage caused by a simple duel IF the simple duel was generated by a pulse?

Evasive allow YOU to ignore damage from pulse, even if the pulse cause damage by a simple duel. 

The first pulse cause a wp duel, if failed it normally cause 1 damage, BUT. If you pass it or not, with evasive you suffer no damage, but have  to do the test. 


THEN comes in play the misery aura of pandora, wich cause 1 damage to model within 6" wich fail a wp test. This cause damage, so evasive doesn't work ( the damage is caused by aura not pulse) . 

So the faq is correct, is like if a pulse force a evasive model to move, and by other effect this model suffer damage, but couldn't be damaged  by the pulse description damage. 

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