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Nekima's model...a suggestion


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It's been what...over 2 years now, and i am still unsatisfied with the size of the plastic model. I wonder if i am the only one always on the look out for another suitable one. I've got quite a few proxies but none so far look better than the original metal one in context of malifaux...even though it has its flaws. Discovered many nice compenies in the process but still...i kind of wish it was Wyrd doing it. 

I was reading the "build-a-masterl" threads in other forums, which told of grouping "orphan" models into a box. This gave me an idea for Nephilims.

Since there would be costs involved in producing rescaled Nekima model...i'd suggest that a they perhaps could use the opportunity to make a bundle of currently "lone" models into a thematic box, a bit like what they did with the Spawn Mother and Brotherhood of the Rat.  

A Nephilim encounter/booster box themed around blood magic.

Examples of titles for the box could be "The Bloody Beauty" or..."The Beauty and the Feast"...there's tons of things and Wyrd is obviously more creative than i am for these.

Models included would be : Black Blood Shamans, Tuco and Nekima, using the opportunity to rescale her at the same time. The idea would be to price it around the same line as the Spawn mother and Brotherhood of the Rat boxes.

It would also fit particularily well both in theme and on the table. In the lore, Nekima is the one trying to get the Blood shamans on her side, and Tuco is a byproduct of their magic on humans. On the table, Tuco and Nekima can both benefit from the Shamans magic, and Nekima's upgrade goes hand-in-hand with the Black Blood Shaman's grow ability.

That box would allow to slowly fade out the single boxes of those models (i do believe it'd help with costs?) and it'd help new players to boost their collection with a ready bundle of Nephilim (great combo with Lilith's box), and I for sure would buy a rescaled version of Nekima if it was available.

It's probable i never see this wish come true, but i'll keep hoping (and posting once per 2 years...ain't spamming i hope!) about it, and i think my suggestion isn't completely unrealistic on the long run.

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The idea is that re-using the current sculpt and increasing in size would be less costly than a redesign (it may be wrong). The reason behind the wish for a bigger model is simple: it's to be consistent with the rest of the HT3 and HT2 Nephilim models, and of course the lore behind Nekima.  In her first appearance in the fluff, she's supposed to be one of the largest nephilim around (Sonnia's story), after all.

If you have issues carrying the current Nekima, i wonder how you carry Young Nephilms or barbaros...she's not much larger and actually sturdier than the one floating above a skull, and i am not even talking of things like Riders and actual HT3 models (e.g. Ice Golem)

As for the clothing, i don't really have an opinion...the previous model had a sort of lingerie too, so...she always had that succubus thing going...hence the "bloody beauty" trigger. I wouldn't mind different clothes but as i said, the suggestion was mostly about rescaling while saving costs.

There are many miniatures we already can't get unless we buy a box. All masters, most henchmen and totems are also boxed sets. They bundled Rat Kings and Gupps like this, too. I honestly don't mind that, it's easier for new players to get into it.

From a marketing perspective, it may also be good to get one single big box on the shelves of a store, rather than 1 ea. of Tuco, BB Shaman and Nekima. I am not aware of the real numbers behind all this, but there might be a way to get a win-win situation on the long-term. It also helps to sell less-popular models (tuco) in a quantity that is relatively similar to other more popular ones (Nekima).


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Obviously, my hope is that one day, Wyrd does produce an HT3 model that is up to scale with others in the line. There has to be some incentive for them to do so, and i simply am trying to find one :) 

I wonder if the mold for a few single miniatures can be bundled together into a larger sprue, if so...then i think the idea of a boxed set holds some merit for Wyrd.

The list of miniatures to put "in the box" is just a suggestion...they could include one or two alternate sculpt terror tots for "grow lists". Since Nekima can summon them it does make sense.  I did have 4-5 tots on the table in some games. I originally put tuco in there because it's perhaps a model that isn't selling as well, and also because he's tied to Nekima in the fluff.

A Nightmare edition would do as well, but that one has already been suggested before and no results so far, hence the new idea.


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That's the idea.

So to recapitulate:

A blood magic themed box set, bundling together the nephilim growth specialists.

The Beauty and the Feast

Models that could work:

Nekima (increased size please!)

Black Blood Shamans (2)

Alternate terror tot(s) (for growing and summoning purposes, one or two depending on the costs)

Then, if there is room:


If it's a story encounter box, then Tuco becomes much more interesting if included. He's the first nephilim half-breed we've seen in the game, and he was created by Nekima and the Black Blood Shamans. The encounters could be around this and having a 2nd named character could be good for scenario purposes. The box could be themed around Latigo and their fight vs Neverborn.

The first scenario could be to save/prevent people from being kidnapped by the nephilim after a raid on a caravan. The survivors are scattered around the place and the Ortegas (or protagonists) must protect them or get them to safety. Tuco Ortega is captured during this mission.

The second scenario could be to rescue Tuco from Nekima's stronghold. The protagonists go and attempt to rescue some victims in the hopes to find Tuco and bring him home. They might succeed in rescuing some prisonners, but Tuco is nowhere to be found.

The third scenario could be Tuco's dramatic appearance. Tuco strikes back against the protagonists, claiming that they abandonned him.

The final scenario could be to fight Nekima  and claim back her stronghold to prevent more attacks so close to Latigo. Killing her is an objective, but it is most important to claim back the land, so she can no longer operate from there.

The boxed set would then fit hand-in-hand with Lilith's box and the Nephilim booster set (Mature and Youngs)


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If they're going the route of alternate Nephilim sculpts I'd much rather alternate Young and Mature than just more Tots. Tots posing is generic enough that repeated sculpts, coupled with their smaller size, aren't as noticeable. But one of the Young is in a very unique pose, and the Mature is large enough that having a repeated model on the table is noticeable. Even make it fun and make a female Young and/or Mature. Not sure though how you'd make a box with multiple 50mm and 40mm based models work with costings though.

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@-Loki-indeed, the cost of such box is something to take into account, and tots are surely less expensive than youngs. One of the reason for more tot variants is that when you put counters (wounds for example) on the cards, having multiple copies of the same poses can be confusing, while having more unique cards quickly prevents any mistakes. I call this the malifaux rat factor. Another reason to bring in more tots is that Nekima can summon them, so it's a good idea to have them together. If costs allow, of course a Young Nephilim would be amazing, since they can be grown from tots, and there's only 2 sculpts available at the moment.

@Fetid Strumpet Perhaps, but i still hope they consider it nonetheless. I mean there are plenty of ideas for nightmare/twisted editions, and while Nekima deserves a true HT3 model in my opinion, i can't assume they would pick her out of the whole line for the next special edition release. As for the appearance of such miniature, who knows, i do believe there is a strong market out-of-malifaux for succubus models (just looking at reaper), and the old Nekima was proxied as a demon prince for GW games from the looks of it, so from a sales perspective, it may still be a good idea. I'd have no issue with a re-imagined form, but the current sculpt ain't bad, all things considered, just too small for malifaux.  When i say too small, it's about the lore, sure...but also about how the miniature doesn't hint at its height. It doesn't seems like it could reach vertically so high...she isn't that much higher than a custom based ht2 model and her sword is really small, so it may completely escape an opposing crew that she can hit stuff 6" high, or that she could block line of sights so easily, or that she should be seen over quite a few terrain pieces in order to be targeted. While there are other models with similar aspects, i think there are few other models where these LOS/reach factors are as emphasized, and  there's obviously less ambiguity with properly sized minis like the Ice Golem or Mature Nephilim. Basically...the current Nekima model almost feels like i am using a proxy.


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