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Just Newbie Gremlin Things


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I recently picked up a Somer list after reading the Schemes and Stones Building on a Budget article on Gremlins.

Base list was..

Somer, Lenny, Burt, 4 Bayou Gremlins, 2 Slop Haulers, 2 Skeeter's.

Questions I have for you:

A) Past that basic list, what else would Somer want model wise?

B) What other master really covers his weaknesses? 

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I like Ophelia to accompany So'mer. He lacks damage enforcers, which she brings 3 of. Also Francois, a great henchman. Her Young LaCroix can pull double duty as extra Bayou Gremlins in a factory list.

She herself can make good use of Lenny and Bayou Gremlins, and she's a good alternate damage master to So'mers more flexible approach.

Basically the two boxes feel like expansions to each other.

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Lightning bugs are great with Som'er because he can give them the suits you want, and they can let him summon with lower cards thanks to leave it to luck. They're also more efficient healers than Slop Haulers if you can give them the suit you need. Coincidentally, the suit Som'er uses for summoning is the suit they use for healing on their attack.

Every Gremlin master likes Roosters because they're great scheme runners and damage dealers at the same time.

Burt Jebsen works really well with Som'er because you can give him extra rams, and Burt is practically untouchable when surrounded by two or three Bayu Gremlins thanks to slippery.

Gremlin Taxidermists work really well with Som'er as he tends to create a lot of corpse markers which they can then turn into stuffed piglets, while also having fairly neat damage output themselves.

As for other masters covering his weaknesses - Wong if you want a damage dealer thats also a very good scheme runner, and Zipp for control/opponent annoyance.


Som'er is actually capable of doing just about anything as he can summon, buff his crew and hand out some obscene damage with his boomer. 

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For the last games when I need to pick Sommer, I use next build for 35 ss:

Soomer (Family tree, Can'O Beans)

Burt Jebsen (Dirty cheater) 8ss

Gracie (Saddle) 11ss

Two Bayou Gremlins 6 ss

Slop hauler 5 ss

Skeeter 2 ss

That's play for many strategy and schemes, expect killing minions.

For Sommer advice heavy beaters to buy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the replies guys.

Totem wise, would you actually want Skeeters with Somer? Or Old Cranky?

I'm probably going to order a bunch of Gremlin stuff this weekend.

Wong and Ophelia's boxes. McTavish. The guy that gets a free upgrade. Old Cranky. Rooster Riders.

Any other really sweet stuff I should consider?

What do Survivors do?

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35 minutes ago, Obeisance said:

Totem wise, would you actually want Skeeters with Somer? Or Old Cranky?

It really depends. A lot of people just stick to one or the other for most masters, but for Som'er they're both such amazing choices. If you're going an elite Turf War killy crew for example, then Old Cranky is great, but in Reconnoiter or Interference Skeeters are just amazing. Definitely one to switch between depending on the strat, schemes and even opponent's faction.

37 minutes ago, Obeisance said:

Any other really sweet stuff I should consider?

Assuming you mean Sammy by the guy with an upgrade (she does still have to pay for it, but can take a master upgrade) then you've got pretty much all my faves!

37 minutes ago, Obeisance said:

What do Survivors do?

5 stone minion with reckless, armour 1 & htk. Decent melee attack which they can switch from a 2" :melee to a 9" :ranged with a (0) action. They're somewhat harder to kill than Sloppies or Bugs for the same cost but I don't find them as impressive in utility (they have better damage though). For a moderate :mask they can lower enemy Wk and stop them from charging within :aura4 which I think is probably their nastiest trick, but it does require the suit, although obviously with Som'er you can hand that out (or you could with Earl Burns too since they're constructs). I wouldn't prioritise them but they do get probably a harsher rep than they deserve.

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