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Unboxing Malifaux - 'Wandering River Monks'


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I really dislike models where the cloaks or whatever lack any kind of realism, like the #2 monk. A little exaggeration can be fine, but this model is beyond the pale. While it's not super apparent from the front, it looks incredibly stupid from the rear.

Thanks for the unboxing.

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7 hours ago, Bengt said:

I really dislike models where the cloaks or whatever lack any kind of realism, like the #2 monk. A little exaggeration can be fine, but this model is beyond the pale. While it's not super apparent from the front, it looks incredibly stupid from the rear.

I am kinda surprised that they somehow managed to make a worse cloak than the one on that one Oxfordian Mage... Sheesh that's bad!

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