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Unboxing Malifaux - 'Jorogumo'


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I pinned mine to my bases, from the thorax. For now at least.

And actually I travel with mine in a standard battlefoam tray (their large one). I have to put one in tilted and I think I cut out a bit of foam off a divider for a polearm, but they fit just fine.

I am going to go the magnet route eventually though. Lot of people in my meta do that and it seems like a good, compact method.

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7 hours ago, LuckyLuke said:

They do not fit easily. I bought a black metal toolbox from walmart for $15.00 and then used magnets and some greenstuff (magnets were stronger than glue)

Make sure the magnets dot actually touch the metal and the glue will probably hold.  I put a thin sheet of cloth or a paper towel between my models and the metal.

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19 hours ago, MrDeathTrout said:

Make sure the magnets dot actually touch the metal and the glue will probably hold.  I put a thin sheet of cloth or a paper towel between my models and the metal.

I eneded up using the green stuff to thinly cover it. Works now. The cloth may be next so I don't have to keep doing the green stuff to every large model (Dragons and Brutals).

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