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Pine Box On Friendly Model



probably to the experts it seems like a silly question, so i apologize in advance,

when a friendly model is buried in death marshal's pine box, it can choose to not have duel (for umburied purposes) when death marshal start it's activation? (if i don't want unburied it)

or it can choose to not resist on wp duel? (then i flip only one card for death marshal's wp duel and 0 for buried model)

And if i want unburied it?

Thank you soo much for your answers

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3 answers to this question

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The duel at the start of the Death Marshal's activation is not optional, you have to perform it.

Since it's an opposed to duel you can relent it (flipping only for the Death Marshal), which means the Death Marshal wins the duel regardless of relative Wp stats and the buried model will stay buried.

If you want it to unbury you'll have to flip for both the Death Marshal and the buried model and possibly cheat so the buried model wins (you can cheat low with the Death Marshal to save on good cards).

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Who is initiating the duel? Because only the "defender" can relent.

pg. 27 rulebook "Whenever two friendly models are engaged in an Opposed Duel, the defending friendly model may choose to lose the duel. Before any cards are flipped, the Defending model may choose to relent. When this happens, the Attacker flips as normal, and the Defender flips no cards, it is instead assumed that the Defender tied the Attacker’s final duel total, without any suits."

pine box -> "... At the beginning of this models Activation, it must succeed on a Wp v. Wp. duel with with the target. If this model loses, the target is unburied in base contact".

So, yes? Sorry for the unnecessary post.

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Consider also that:

The "stay bury" way is always automatic, regardless of any card flipped by Death Marshall

The unbury way instead can lead to a situation in which you will nit succeed to unbury your model. It can happen when you flip e red joker with Death Marshall or a black joker with the target. In a situation like this, the only ways to unbury your model is taking the pine box action against a new target, or obviously kill your Death Marshall...

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