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Best crew box for a tournament


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8 hours ago, solkan said:

* Remove the stigma associated with proxying/bases with the picture of the model printed on/cardboard standies showing the model.

This would be the last I would ever want to do. Almost the entire point of miniature games for me are the miniatures, boardgames using chits/meeples usually have much tighter rules and balance. As an extension I'm flabbergasted that there are tournaments to allow unpainted miniatures.

In my mind community activities should always work to showcase and encourage the painted miniature part of the hobby.

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On ‎26‎-‎09‎-‎2016 at 8:14 AM, Bengt said:

But Kirai is very tempting, Onryo isn't, as you say, all that strong, but with a base of only 14 SS it's a very flexible option

Is Kirai even legal in this format? Her box includes Ikiryo, which cannot be hired, and as such you can't fulfill the requirement of using the entire box unless your opponent makes you. Maybe you would then lose any game in which Ikiryo wasn't summoned?

I guess this ties into Solkans comments regarding creative formats. I don't think this is necessarily a bad format for an event (more than a tournament), but there is the problem of treating crew boxes differently, and if a new player bought a particular box because (s)he liked the master, and that box turned out to be one of the less playable boxes, in this format (s)he wouldn't have the option of buying a couple more minis to improve the crew. On the other hand it does force players to try things they normally wouldn't, and that is in my opinion a good thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah 2nd was Asami, he played against a Reva player for 2nd place. I thought the tournament went great. A good time was had by all I hope. One thing I really liked was seeing the combinations on the table that aren't very common and it made each game have a little bit of extra flavor. Plus at the end of the tournament we all had to write a mini story about our crew for the day. It was a fun way to decompress after the day and share a few laughs with everyone there. Thanks to Mario for putting on the tournament!

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