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Yan Lo getting Chi from his own Wastrel


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I'm a rusty on the specifics, but I believe the idea is that you charge the Wastrel with Yan Lo to hit him twice with Spirit Barrage, hitting the trigger to gain a Chi on Severe damage or death, for 2 Chi total. You won't get a third Chi when he dies (since he wasn't killed by a model he considers an enemy), but he will leave a corpse to summon off of with Toshiro. 

People specifically choose the Wastrel for this because he can use use Swagger to get up the board and gain defensive stance, making it easier to lose the duels by enough for a straight damage flip. Taking a Clockwork Trap would be cheaper, but they don't drop corpses and you might need to cheat their defense flip down to make sure Yan wins the attack duel by enough. 


Card-wise, for this to work you at least need a severe in hand, plus up to four cards (2 high, 2 low) if you get really unlucky with the attack flips. Then Toshiro will want a high enough tome (?) to summon an Ashigaru off of. 


I've never tried it myself (not a big fan of summoning, or dithering around on turn 1!), but after writing it out I might have to give it a run some time. :)

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