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Nythera is one, and I'm almost certain its cropped up elsewhere in TtB. I could be misremembering, but I'll check my books this evening. I finally got Northern Aggression today so I need to do some reading anyway.

But really I think Russia has a fascinating history, especially near this point in history (turn of the century/pre-WW1/Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905). I would be very interested to see them as an allegiance. Really though, the fact they're doing a Malifaux WW1 game is fantastic.

Anyway, I'll get back to you! Or admit I misremembered!

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@Cinnamon Bear

Okay, thank you! I've searched in FA, FMA, ItS and UQ books for Through the Breach and found nothing. But I've got a strong feeling that I had read about Earthside Undying Tzar more than once.

But, actually it can be 'cause I've recently read the book "Dancing with Bears" by M. Swanwick, and tRPG Godbound core rulebook by K. Crawford and there were  kinda similar characters in the a bit similar weird fiction (also, cyborg Rasputin and half-mechanical centauroid Autocossacks).

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Okay, I could have sworn I had seen mention of it in the FMA or other books, and I went through and checked the One Shots and Penny Dreadfuls, and its possible I was misremembering or confusing two different properties! My mistake, it looks like the only mention was in a character Bio in Nythera (but I still think it would be cool).

I can't shake the feeling its somewhere else though. Curious.

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I'm with @Stark and @Cadaverousbirth, I'm a modeler at heart, so building models is almost half the fun for me.  Hell it's the reason I still play any GW game, the models are just too damn nice to care the game sucks.


Interesting though, I have apparently not been trolling around the forums enough (Or any conventions) because I really known little about this.  Is that one page that I've seen posted the only like, info about the game, or is that a slightly larger pamphlet that is just being sampled?  I guess judging by the one page, it has both pictures of models and cards on one page, so it probably covers everything?

Still curious to see the Kickstarter whenever that hits, or at least I assume it hasn't already :mellow: ?

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