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a master to compliment raspy and Lilith


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Hi All,

I was hoping for a bit of advice, I am looking for a third master to compliment but also counter point Rasputina and Lilith my two current masters.

Primarily I need a new painting project so would be after something with a strong visual theme, and that can be played well within them,  for Raspy uses only frozen heart stuff and cats, and Lilith only nature and Nephilim. (neither of them massively restarted themes it must be said). I guess I am looking for some sort of support and or summoning master I suppose – that’s said it would have to be just something sufficiently different to add a new play experience


All Pete

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A strong crew-support master might be a good complement, but summoning might be more expensive to get at a reasonable level. Hard to say though about Asami until we get the full book. 10T in particular sometimes suffers from the lack of a strong visual identity if you go terribly far outside the crew box due to their infiltration/intermingling with all the other factions.

One of my favorite support masters is McCabe. Not a summoner, but someone thats easy to build a thematic crew around (cavalry and dogs and scoundrels), and who also excels at making his crew better. He works well with just about anything though, but if you stick to his sort of Guild-side (Mounted Guard, Guild Hounds, etc) you've got a nice crew. Maybe a bit boring if you're looking for something fantastical though.

Jack Daw has a great visual theme and I've seen some nice work tying together his usual Guilty crew with other tormented models. Depends on whether or not you're a fan of the cartoony Guilty ghosts. I know I am but its not for everyone. He's kind of the opposite of a support master, but he's got a very interesting play-style. 

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