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Sell me on Hodgepodge Emissary


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One thing that I don't believe has been mentioned yet is that the Hodgepodge with the Viktorias can give Companion to Viktoria of Blood, allowing you to use the Vik slingshot without having to buy Sisters in Battle.  The Vik-specific upgrade of pushing models around and giving out I Pay Better-style focus to mercs is pretty good too.

Levi: It's for 4 horsemen.  And that's about all there is to say about that.

Hamelin: I think this one's a little underrated since it's the only way to stick Blighted on enemies at range other than Plagued Pipes.  Getting a plus to all duels against Blighted models is a pretty nasty survivability upgrade too.  It is expensive though.  It's competing with the Ratjoy package and its main reason for existing (scheme running) is something that Hamelin's crew already does well, so it's a bit redundant.

Von Schill: Excellent on paper, extremely tricky in practice.  The prospect of unlimited shirts is fun and effective, especially against a clumped force, but if you're combining it with a standard I Pay Better package, you're burning through cards like nothing else.  Enemy effects that incentivize you to keep cards (Decapitate, Ceaseless Advance) only add to the complication.  Still, if you run both, you'll never really need to stone for cards since the bad ones all have good uses and it's not like you're compelled to max out I Pay Better/Hodgepodge abilities every turn.

I don't have enough experience with the Hodgepodge on Jack, Tara, or Misaki to comment intelligently on those.

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11 minutes ago, redarkham said:

Does anyone know if the new Master boxes being released at Gencon have a emissary upgrade card in their box? In other words will Parkers box come with a Hodgepodge Emissary upgrade for Parker as a master.

New masters won't have emissary upgrades until they've had some time in the wild to best determine how the emissary can best help them. 

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It's not about how the emissary can help them. It's about not actually knowing how powerful the masters actually are. Once the community has actually demonstrates how broken/powerful/fine/weak every master is then they will think about upgrades. Powerful masters tend to get garbage or thematic but weak confluxes (with a few exceptions) weaker masters tend to get silly good ones (ancestral conflux).

I doubt we will see new confluxes or avatars until Wyrd feels they have a clear picture of that, so my guess would be between 1 and 2 years after all the masters are generally available, then development and testing time added to that. 

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