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Mrs. Torey's School for Gifted Ladies


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Date: July 18th until August 22nd

Location: The Game Shoppe 4014 N 144th st Omaha, NE 68116 (402) 991-8699

Time: Games start at 6pm and run until 10pm

Cost: None

The gifted ladies of Mrs. Torey's school are finally coming to Malifaux, but when word of this event gets out, the master of Malifaux are most interested in gaining new recruits. 

This event will be a six week Shifting Loyalties campaign. The encounters will be story encounters, and tell the story of the ladies and their adventures in Malifaux. Starting crews will be 35 ss as per normal Shifting Loyalties rules but will be led by a Master instead of a henchmen. The following optional rules will be used in the campaign: Stay Dead, Good Doctor, Cut 'em Up for Parts, and The Wandering Relic. Each player will also pick one of ten new models to join their crew as the ladies of the school. The ladies will be the key to winning the campaign as you play to try and score up achievements for the them. Be sure to check out the story for the campaign in the Writing Thread as it progresses. 


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When pointing up our initial arsenal is the chosen master free? Then 15ss  to field in game? Was initially thinking the 15ss came out building the initial arsenal. But reading in the book it looks like I was wrong. Thought it might be best to just check with you.

Imagine while I'm at it I might as well ask a couple more. 

Is  one henchman still mandatory? My guess is no, but didn't see anything in the book to confirm.

Lastly, I'm guessing we are still restricted to one upgrade only, initially. Is that at normal face value? Or is the doubled cost in effect right off the bat... or only during the "new hires" phase? 


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Tonight, the Ladies make their appearance and the campaign really gets underway! For those not part of the campaign, here are the rules for the ladies in case you ever want to use them in the games or campaigns. I made all the ladies using the multi part female TTB models. Check them out and let me know what you think.



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