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When to Surge with Rasputina?


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I recently picked up the Rasputina box set, and I can't wait to start using her. Looking at Rasputina's actions as well as upgrades, she has three (1) activations with the surge trigger to draw a card. Being able to straight up net a card off of a soulstone for that double tome trigger seems rare in the game of Malifaux, and seems solid. Not to mention doing it three times. So, apart from triggering surge when your hand is full of low cards, what other times have you found going for surge useful? Is it worth going for surge via Shattered Heart even with the -2 Ca? I feel like using a soulstone for the tome needed for the surge trigger is worth it, because a tome in hand can still be used for something like an Ice Gamin's Chill trigger; is it worth it?

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I'd say Surge isn't something to burn Soulstones over, but it is a nice perk on those effectively 1 in 4 chances of getting the :tome needed on the flip, especially with December's Touch and Ice Pillars when there aren't any competing triggers :) Especially with those two, if you have a low :tome in hand you may as well use it there for the trigger.

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I don't think I would ever stone for Surge. Perhaps cheat a low tome on a Touch or Pillars depending on the situation. With Ml 5 an Ice Gamin would need a high tome for his trigger to go off so doesn't really compete there. Low tomes are useful for Rasputina's Sub Zero though so if I feel she is potentially under threat I would save them for that.

I think Surge is a nice bonus that will occasionally give you a card (if you remember it :P), not something to actively work towards.

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Surge is just one of those 'happy accident' triggers.  It's not something you'd stone for unless you were in absolute dire straits, and even if that were the case I bet stoning for Overpower is a better use of your time.  I'll cheat a 6 or lower of tomes into an Ice Pillar to trigger it sometimes, and if I've got a pair of 8s in my hand that I'm considering cheating, I'll typically choose Masks over Tomes over the rest, so it influences decisions sometimes.  

But stoning for it?  I don't realistically see it happening.


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On 6/3/2016 at 7:28 PM, Fog said:

But stoning for it?  I don't realistically see it happening.


Agreed. If you're stoning for cards, it seems way more efficient to just take a bunch of hard-hitting Enforcers and Henchmen and put Imbued Energies on them. Either your opponent kills them and you get 4 cards/SS or they don't and you wreck your opponent's crew.

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