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Lilly, Kimmy and Questionable Growth


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So last night I played against my Rezzer friend (she knows who she is), pretty standard Lilith vs. Horror Molly. 

Crews were more or less as follows: Lilith with Beckon, Living Blade, etc., Cherub, Nekima holding her Grow-related upgrades (It was a fighty scheme and strategy combo, so I figured I'd try and benefit from the killing that'd assuredly happen), Graves, Doppelganger, a Black Blood Shaman, and a single Tot. 

Molly had Madam Sybelle, a Flesh Construct in reserve as a summon, Yin, Valedictorian, a doxy, and a handful of other models (Croolies, I think?).

Strategy was Squatter's Rights, schemes included Assassinate, Bodyguard, Make Them Suffer, and was just generally a super killy setup.


Anyway, long story short, Lilith and the gang murdered the shit out of Molly's crew. Molly started off summoning a Flesh construct that got eaten by Nekima right off, causing the Tot to Grow. On the same turn, Yin got mulched and the new Young turned into a Mature without ever activating. Aside from being a horrible display of bad luck on Molly's part and heavy soulstone expenditure on mine, I was left not feeling particularly good about things because I am also a pretty new Lilith player, having had only one previous game under my belt.

The question I'm having involves the kills counting for Grow mechanics. Now, Nekima's upgrades let her kills count for Grow, and the Shaman also can transfer kill credit on. There's nothing about whether or not a freshly evolved Young can evolve on the same turn, though Nekima's ability to summon a Tot after getting a Black Blood kill specifies that they can't Grow that turn. From what cards we had in front of us, the sequential Growing into a Mature Nephilim was entirely following the rules, and it is fairly circumstantial in that you're not going to get a kill chain that crazy in all games, but I can't feel comfortable having popped that thing out on turn 1. It doesn't 'feel' right, speaking as someone who's been playing, if not this crew, for about four months.

Thoughts from those more well-versed or experienced than I? Did I do this right?

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You did it correctly, assuming the Tot/Young was in range of both Grow actions and you met the requirement of first a non-Peon and then either an Enforcer/Henchman/Master on the second attack.  Per your post, you first killed a Minion and then an Enforcer with Nekima and the Tot was within 6" of Nekima so it counted as getting the kills.  It's an unfortunate event for the Molly player, absolutely, but this is why you don't feed a Grow list things.  With some experience she'll learn how to avoid that.

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On 4/21/2016 at 2:58 PM, Nemi said:

Molly had Madam Sybelle, a Flesh Construct in reserve as a summon, Yin, Valedictorian, a doxy, and a handful of other models (Croolies, I think?).

Strategy was Squatter's Rights, schemes included Assassinate, Bodyguard, Make Them Suffer, and was just generally a super killy setup.

Molly, Sybelle, Valadictorian, Yin, Nurse, 2 Doxies.... 

Wouldn't bring Croolies to a Nekima party, silly....  I hoped to only summon BIG stuff (that heal; ie.. Flesh Constructs, maybe an Autopsy when desperate.)  First time playing against your new crew, but I read plenty of pullmyfinger...

It was really good flips and strategy on your part, and poor on mine.  I aint holding a grudge, but there's a rematch in the future!

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