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Looking for Suggestions


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We really need to stick a disclaimer on the starter box about how the models in there are not the usual play style for their respective factions.

(the Malifaux Child* makes a note to get a stamp made with that disclaimer and start going around stores and stamping their stuff)

If you must have a powerful ranged attack threat range, then you're Guild. If you must have the speed to close the gap and melee as fast as possible, then you're Neverborn. But how can we pick if we know very little about you? Or what if you have to have in play style is something else altogether? I want to pick out your play style first, and then find out what you like in fluffy themes to play with and look at, and find the overlap.

Do you want to charge in and hit things as hard as possible? Hit as hard as possible when you want but also have the option to mess with the other models on the board to your advantage and their disadvantage? Shoot everything from a safe distance one by one and sort through the corpses later? Blast the enemy several models at a time instead? Keep your master out of trouble by having it buff up some other model on its side and send that into the fight instead? Keep your master out of trouble by taking over models on the opposing crew and have them do your work for you? Do you enjoy looking for legal loopholes in the gameplay mechanics? Do you not understand how people can optimize without a spreadsheet? Do you want to not think too hard about your hobby and just hit things? That's the playstyle questions. Now about your fluff.

(the Malifaux Child looks at your profile picture, and frowns)

You're not actually gonna install that wired-up skull into an interface either organic or construct, are you? First, 'cause it'll send you to Rezzers or Outcasts instead. Resurrectionists make all the undead and Outcasts use the spare parts Rezzers won't even touch to cobble together stuff that's even worse. Second and more important, because if you do my Guild crew will come by and show you how clockworks are supposed to work by slapping you upside the head with properly constructed giant stompy bots! :D

But there's over a dozen random fluffy themes in Malifaux. We'll see what you like and what we've got that complements those.

*That's my profile picture. It's supposed to be a boy, but I had it painted up as a girl. My crew still has way, way too many boys and no girl models otherwise.

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