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Hannah with Arcanists


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Hey everyone, I recently acquired a Hannah model and was curious where to fit her. Personally I feel like she's a natural include with Colette, who can not only give her positives to damage for her blasts, but the showgirls themselves have tons of Ca actions for her to borrow. Also I tend to run Colette with Arcane reservoir, and with Hannah, that now gets bumped to 8 card hand!


Does anyone else have any interesting tactics they've seen used with Hannah in the Arcanists? 

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I'd like to break it down for fun and see. Speaking generally of coarse.

Raspy/Snow Storm - Personally I like Snow Storm as he/she has a ton of synergy within the crew. Especially since he's just as expensive as Hannah anyway. 

Ramos/Joss - Nope, Joss is amazing and again being a construct has a ton of added value on top of being M&SU, making him a great upgrade holder. 

Kaeris/Firestarter - I think Hannah is a better Henchmen, but probably not worth the extra 4ss investment. However the heals Kaeris can provide would make Hannah seriously tough to take out. 

Mei/Kang - I think this one kind of depends on the matchup. Outside of Resser's I think Kang is alright, but probably not as good as say Joss. Mei's steam with Hannahs nether flux can make for one mean shutdown bubble, but she also needs to be careful not to get caught herself. The additional card is nice as I find Mei and her crew to be somewhat card intensive. I think she could find a place in a Mei crew (at least until Sparks comes out)

Colette/Cassandra - As I mentioned, I think she fits best here. Unfortunately, she's also competing with an already amazing Henchman with Cassandra. The extra 3 stones is difficult to justify, but there can be an argument for running both since Cassandra is already pretty cheap. 

Marcus/Myranda - I don't really see much of a benefit here. You might be able to get some decent milage from her if she were turned into a beast and certainly Marcus could benefit from the extra card. Again though, Myranda is just so cheap, and had such utility that I just don't see a huge gain. 

Ironsides/Captain - I think she could be a decent fit here. The captain is nice, but his upgrade is almost mandatory, making him actually more expensive. Her nether flux could be a nice way to help Ironsides stay in the fight longer and if running with Mage's she has a use for her (0). 

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An interesting effect of her counterspell is that it allows you to have three counterspell henchmen (one changed to master for ironsides, or bonus counterspell available for Raspy/Ramos, Marcus can have dawn serpent as a fourth counterspell model). If you suspect/fear a lure spam list, Hannah lets you shut it right down. 

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I have mused to bring Hannah when playing Ramos. Ramos should have Arcane Reservoir for the 8 cards in hand, and bring his Brass Arachnid. Hannah should then be able to use her Make a New Entry to copy the Stoke action of the Brass Arachnid, even soulstoning for the Tome when necessary. Extra reacivates are always nice. ;)

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The issue there is what are you deactivating?  With the right cards the arachnid can already reactivate 2 constructs, Hannah is expensive enough that you probably only have 2 constructs that are worth reqctivating.  I feel she is just too pricey with Ramos to be worth it.  For Ramos her sister is a significantly better buy.

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