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Damage prevention timing




today a question occured to me and a friend. Till now we played it like this: first reduce damage by armour, incorporeal, etc and then make a damage prevention flip possible reducing the damage to 0.

But the rulebook says, the damage prevention flip is made after determing the damage, but before suffering it. Armour says:"Reduce all damge suffered by this model by...."

So now we think damage prevention is the first thing to do.

And what is about bonus damage, like Sebastions ability. Do you have to prevent all 3 poisen damage or just 1 because its "when damaging +2"

And the rulebook says when dealing no damage with an attack (Black Joker) the critical strike damage does not happen. Same wording here "when damaging..."

Thanks and greetings from Austria

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First things first.  The damage prevention flip isn't "damage reduction".

Second, the rules for spending the soulstone to prevent damage says you do it after.

After determining how much damage the Master or Henchman model would take, but before applying the damage, the model may spend a Soulstone to make a damage prevention flip.

In order to "determine how much damage the Master or Henchman model would take" you have to figure out:

  • the damage flip
  • any effects that reduce the damage
  • any effects that increase the damage

Note that the rules specify:

If damage is modified by a static value (such as the Armor Ability, or a Trigger), the final damage after the damage flip is modified.


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That is how we have played it.

But the rulebook Part about damge prevention definitly says:"After determing how much damage the model would take, but  before applying the damage, the model may spend a Soulstone to make a damage prevention flip."

And Armour says:"Reduce all damage sufferd by this model by +1, to a minumum of 1.

And before applying damage is in timing before sufferd I think. Or am I wrong?

A long time it was clear and we played it like you said above. But now I am reallly confused... 

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I think you're reading into it too much. Suffering and taking damage are effectively synonymous, it would be nice if only one word was used consistently throughout the rules but there's really no distinguishing between them.

The part about applying prevention before damage is just there to make sure damage prevention actually does something.

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