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Simple question from a noob.



Hi quick question, i have been playing through the starter set and all is going good understand most things but certain triggers are confusing me and i hope some one can clarify.

As an example i am looking at Yin the Penangalan's "entrails" attack action (Ml 6 crow/ Rst:Df/ Rg: 2) Does that mean that i have to flip a Crow in the final duel total to use this attack even if i better my opponents score?

In the triggers section below for the same attack i have: Tomes "Cant look away" and Crows "infect" If i want to use the "Cant look away" trigger would i have to make sure i had a crows and a tomes (Either by cheating fate or using a soul stone) in the final duel total?


Thanks in advance

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No. Her entrails have a built in Crow. 

When you make a duuel you add your stat to the card flipped. So lets say you flipped a 10:tome. Whenm you add that to your stat of 6:crow you will end up with 16:tome:crow as your final duel total. 

To declare a trigger (and you can only declare 1 per action) you need to have met its requirements in the total. So in this case I can declare the :crow trigger as I have a crow in my total. I could instead declare the :tome trigger as I have a tome in my end total. 


If the action had a Target number, then you would have to reach that  (and the suits included in that).


Edit to add example. 

The Rotten belle has its Lure attack. It has a Ca 8:crow:mask and a Target number (TN) of 12:crow:mask.and a Rst WP. 

It has a trigge that is :crow:crow.

So normally you will meet your target number with any 4, because they already have the right suits on their Ca stat. If you happen to end the duel using a :crowcard to generate your total, you can declare their trigger as you have :crow:crow:mask in the end duel total, which is enough to reach the:crow:crow requirement.

If something removes those associated suits (Counterspell for example), they can't reach the target number because, whilst they might get the number they need, they won't be able to get both Suits needed. 


Edited by Adran
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