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Jumping Back In After A Few Years Break


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Hello all, I'm returning after leaving when twisting shadows came out. I've bought the arsenal card packs and the little rulebook.  I'm hoping to see some 2e games being played tomorrow.  As for models I have, they are Kaeris metal box, soul stone miner, Joss, union miners, and Iggy (which I guess is no longer good for kaeris).  So what have I missed?  What models should I add next, I'm leaning towards Mei Feng and Ironsides crew boxes?  And how are Arcanists doing in the new edition?  Thanks in advance for helping another newbie! 

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Welcome back to Malifaux!

Arcanists are doing fine. Good faction... like the others as well. Mei Feng and Ironsides mesh well with Kaeris, as does Ramos. You might want to get proxies for Firestarter and Kaeris' Totem though. Johan would be a good investment, too.

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The Rail Crew box is less good to expand with if you want to maximize your options as Kang can only be used by Mei Feng. Normally The M&SU is the best value but as you already have Joss you'll get a duplicate there so I would recommend getting Troubleshooters first and Mei Feng later when your model pool has grown a bit.

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Thanks guys!  I can see where I'll need to buy some more models now, not that that is a bad thing.  Iggy as the firestarter is good idea!  I am planning on getting the new Kaeris box.  Just so I can update my models and get the totem and firestarter.  I'll more closely at Ramos thanks, I don't mind getting a second Joss as mine is the old metal one.  I may make Ironsides my first pick to pick up first then.  Unless of course there are better models that work with what I have.  How are the metal gamin?

Edited by The_Gekko
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Metal gamin are really good. They are insanely difficult to kill for their cost (Armor+2, Hard to Kill, Defensive Stance) and can buff one model's Df really well. As a 4ss model, they aren't amazing at attacking, but they can hand out Burning if their target is in melee with their protected model.

i usually use 1 or 2 if I'm running an M&SU master, and I'll occasionally even run one with Raspy.

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Metal gamin are really good. They are insanely difficult to kill for their cost (Armor+2, Hard to Kill, Defensive Stance) and can buff one model's Df really well. As a 4ss model, they aren't amazing at attacking, but they can hand out Burning if their target is in melee with their protected model.

i usually use 1 or 2 if I'm running an M&SU master, and I'll occasionally even run one with Raspy.

Be aware that Metal Gamin can protect themselves. It makes them insanely tanky for their cost, and means their melee damage is quite good. Against Constructs, they are insanely good.

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