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Prospective Player Seeking Advice


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Melee is definitely where you see it most, though the ranged rules aren't super great either. For ranged actions I am specifically talking about the Vantage Point terrain rules.


If you like them that is fine, for me they leave a lot to be desired.


They are better than what I have seen in most games.

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They are better than what I have seen in most games.

We will just have to agree to disagree as I definitely wouldn't say that, unless I was limiting myself to just Warhammer 40k and Warmachine as comparisons. Of course this discussion is not germane to the original topic, so I will bow out of it.

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You can even mix up the 2 starter sets and play Somer with enforcers. He can hand out triggers like they are candy making the enforcers much better than Lenny can for 9SS. He also has huge damage potential with 8 damage and 4 blasts with a higher range than Ophelia (but lower Sh value unfortunately). Ophelia on the other hand has quite useful movement tricks with her upgrade and she can deal with melee focused teams easyer (she has a no randomization aura and she shoots into melee)


What I would buy for starter is: Bayou boss box, The kin box, Slop Haulers, Burt Jebsen (awesome melee with trigger support), Merris (scheme machine), and maybe Gracie (great tank for Burt and adds team movement, but she dies quite fast in my games due to killy enemy teams).

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