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Gaki and Komainu Stat Cards?


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As the title states, there is a small issue with the indicated stat cards from my Gencon boxes.


Rather than having artwork from each model on the respective cards, the same model is simply mirrored and/or zoomed in on secondary and tertiary cards. I just found this odd given that every other kit I have bought (every Ten Thunders kit, a bunch of metal ressers, some Guild stuff), has had the artwork for respective models on the cards. Although a minor issue, it can make it alot harder to keep track of specific models if run in multiples.


Mostly, I just found it really odd and was wondering if my packs were just odd or if others got the same cards. Will this be the new norm for multi same model boxes going forward?

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Sadly, that seems to be the case, Timh. I cannot say I'm happy with it. While I understand the kind of reasons that might be behind this, it is not only less aesthetically pleasing and consistent, but it hinders the game by making it slightly more difficult to remember which stat card corresponds to which figure. If there was no art for the models, Wyrd should have delayed the release instead, IMHO. I really hope this doesn't become a new trend. No need to rush, guys. Just give us the quality we have come to expect of you  ;)

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While it is unappealing to have the same card for multiple models there was every reason to start rushing out models since some releases had been waiting for over two years after getting rules. Several players in my area quit the game because of this which makes me sad (and definetly makes wyrd sad). It is also really hard to sell new players on a game when half the models they want to collect don't exist and you can't even say that they're coming soon. Hopefully future releases will be coming at a more even pace and contain cards with unique art but if I have to choose between waiting two years for wardens and guild hounds with unique art or get them with the same pics next month, please feel free to release them with similar art!

A tip to separate your models in the meantime: Colour code your models and put a little dot of colour on the card sleeve or do your own stat cards. For us players using old metal models the new art doesn't help one bit either way ;)

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Actually I have 4 of the metal Gakis. I got the new plastics anyways because... well the old metals are...


But actually, I got the new plastic Kirai kit even though I have the old metal. In fact I plan to replace all my old metal ghosts when they release.


Thanks for the reply Justin. (Someday I will get that answer about the 5th River of the Valley / Temples, even if I have to wait for wave 4 or 5 or 3E I suppose).

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I see your point, Ludvig, and your tip is a great idea. But I find dissapointing that we have to resort to these kind of tricks to overcome the shortcomings of a newly bought product. I can colour code my models and I can even make my own stat cards. But then, I could also be playing with plastic tokens instead of the nice models designed by Wyrd. We are used to some quality standards from them, and I would like to know that they will stick to them in the future. If different cards are included for each model is because they are useful, and if they are useful they should work out of the box as intended, not needing color coding or writting down anything. Not including different art for each of these models is either cheap or the result of rushing. It might not seem very important, but it shouldn't become a new trend. 

Or, I just love the model sdesign and I would like to be able to enjoy the corresponding art when I'm paying for it. Anyway, kudos to Wyrd for setting such a high standard that the worst complain I can come with is a couple of missing drawing  ;)

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