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Do I got this right?


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Malfaux raptor hits Howard and triggers turning him into a beast till the end of the game, while Myranda is around she can give him her AP (2) for two MI attacks, then chain activate him to act right after using her two AP... he also gets :+fate def if she is within 3 aura... is that correct? 


If so, I really wonder why I don't see this in more Colette prompt and beat down lists.  Are there any big negatives to turning a beat stick into a beast (unless your facing Marcus)? is her cost not worth it? 


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There aren't negatives to this, other than the effort required to do this.


I think the reason that you don't see this is that it is quite a lot of set up for very litle gain.

Myranda needs mid level masks to do her Ap shifting. And one of the strengths to Howard is his nimble to gt to the right palce, which means he is unlikely to be in the defensive aura all that much.

The tactic gets discussed more in Marcus threads, with his ability to then Alpha Howard, to give him a second activation. Its still genereally viewed as over complicated for what it gains.

But to be honest, if you want 2 activations of Howard, Ramos is still the best with his Brass Arachnid.


Your experience with it may differ, so the best bet is to try it out  and see if it works for you.

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with Colette, getting her into position with Howard wouldn't be such a hard move, but the mid level masks is a problem, and the cost involved might not make it productive, was thinking she would also make a great runner killer turning her into the rattler, but meh... think the points are just a slight bit over what you'd get from it... 

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There are plenty of ways to make this work to be honest.  Remember you can prompt Myranda to give her reactivate, let her activate twice (plus the prompt AP) then before she dies transform her into a beast. That's fairly dirty.


To be honest I'm a huge fan of Myranda in crews with no other beasts. The imbued energies interaction alone is great. 


A fun trick is delivering Cojo's scheme marker removal pulse 16-22" up the board in the dying activations of the game. I've won a few games with that one. :D

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