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Astrella's Thread


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Hi everyone,


I'm Lena and I've dabbled in several different games through the years. The only minis I still have left are quite a bit of old Lord of the Rings ones I got through a deagostini subscription and some iddle malifaux ones. I figured that while I try and figure out what crew to start my return to Malifaux with I might just as well paint up some of the stuff that I still have lying around here and that's still recoverable.

No painting yet though but to not start with an empty post I dug up a picture of a few things I painted before I stopped.


And old Metal Onryo I painted up a year or three-four ago?



And Luna, which I painted up last year when I tried getting back into painting. I'm quite fond of how she turned out. :)

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  • 4 months later...

Just a small text-y update; been working on getting my Fishermen team assembled, which is, aside from the usual sticking together of fingers with glue, going pretty well. I'm using regular bases with modelling sand glued on, but I'm applying a few layers of thinned Liquid Green stuff to reduce the grain a bit and get a more muddy effect. Planning to add static grass and drybrush some white lines to ressemble the field lines onto the bases.

I also found an old Warhammer Empire Mortar, and I'm thinking of incorporating that into a goal design, cause it's about the right size to fit a ball into and well, Fishermen, sea, pirates and all that.

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