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So, I have been working on some kind of special event for my gaming group with Malifaux, kind of spinning off of an old encounter from early Malifaux. and I am hoping to do something fancy and special with it for Halloween this year


only thing is... I'm going to need Zambies... so ... many... zambies...


As much as I would like to spend all my money and buy Wyrd product, it's not in the budget and there would be so much repeat that even a skeptic would have an issue. :P


SO, I thought I would ask you guys because I have little in-person knowledge of these models, but I found a few 'bulk' options for this and I didn't know how they look next to the new plastic Malifaux minis, or how they look in general. Also, if there are other options I'm missing, please feel free to drop the knowledge bomb!!!!


what I have found is a bag of 100 zombies for the "Zombies!!!" game. seems cheap and has a lot, but I can't find much in the way of pictures. usually the picture is just of the bag itself, or a group shot and it's hard to make out how the minis look.




I also found a box of 30 zombies, and a second one of 30 "Zombie Vixens" these two kits say they are multi part kits and you'll end up with 30 zombies and 6 'crawlers' (I'm guessing that means they just wont have legs. lol.) these are a bit more expensive, but still, $40 for 60 zombies and 12 torsos... not too bad.



Finally the game Zombicide sells some expansion kits that come with zombies like the VIP kit. but I think these might look too modern for Malifaux (I'm okay with smudging it a little, but these seem VERY 21st century.)

Any other thoughts? or do you have the things I listed and think they would work?


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Was going to say that I think the Zombies!!! zombies would be a bit small.


I personally have issues with CMONs business practices to support Zombicide, sadly though they totally have me with The Others.


Last Night On Earths zombies I believe are about 28mms but nowhere I have found do they come in great quantities, their site has 7 for $8 at the cheapest. At that price it may be easier to buy WH AoS/FB zombies.


I shall keep a lookout for anything

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This isn't even a question - Zombicide people... friggin' zombicide.

After two kickstarters of Zombicide you best believe I am swimming in zombies - and they're detail is quite good considering the quality of the material.

If its human and undead, I am probably not buying anymore of them.

Or friggin' dogs - I got so many dog minis - where the hell did all these come from? :blink:

If you weren't in on the Zombicide Kickstarters you missed out!

Sad to say but any of the abominations in that game give the DE a run for its money. ;)

With the release of season 3 im pretty sure they are now true 28mm - they look just slightly bigger.

And the hotdog suit zombie? My god that's made of pure gold.

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