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I recently started playing Malifaux and have 4 games in.  Mind you none with Collodi.  I do own the basic starter thou.  So what I would like is some advise on what to purchase in order to play a viable 50ss list.  I also bought the new dreamer box last year at Gencon so I was thinking these would be my two Masters for events.

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First, Read this. http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/98693-collodi-tactica-many-string-based-names/

Second, Buy Effigies. I recommend Arcane Effigy(Condition Removal) / Brutal Effigy(Healing). But Others are good, too. I have all effigies. 

Third, Buy good minions. Collodi can't do nothing for non-puppet enforcer and henchman. I recommend Beckoner, Illuminated, Stitched, Coryphee.   

Fourth, Buy Enforcer / Henchman for things that your minions can't. 


Addtionally, Widow Weaver(Nightmare and Summon puppet) and Stitched Together(Nightmare and Puppet) are very useful with both masters.

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Lazurus is a great model to pair up with Collodi. You'll also want the factions effigies in probably this order of usefullness, Brutal, Arcane, Hodgepodge, Lucky, Carrion, Shadow, and lastly our own Mysterious which you could probably skip. Stitched are good as are Coryphee if you can find any of them. Otherwise any strong minion models make great choices for collodi such as Illuminated or models that benefit from focus like the freiscorps trapper.

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Stitched are wonderful, Coryphee are en route from Canada after I missed out on 5+ deals in the last two weeks (this awesome moose-riding, Tim Horton's owning maple-syrup-guzzling lumberjack-of-awesome from the North helped...Poutine, since it looks good but isn't here XD).


Jakob Lynch is probably a good master to pick up for the Illuminated (especially if you run Beckoners), but I wouldn't neglect the Performers if you're able to get Coryphee just for the cost savings though the use of both does differ substantially imo. Plus you get a Mannequin when you buy them which are allegedly like Coryphee-light if you wanted to run them.

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All good advice here, it does boild down to a theme, Collodi makes minions awesomer. While the box is nice (though i dont use the wicked dolls outside of thw widow weaver) the manequins are more a tax to the master than real game changers. Dont get me wrong i love the lil puppets and woundn't consider a different master for Collodi, but you need to fill other gaps. All minions work better with the master puppet being the best but dont let that hold you back. Use what you got and get good at Collodi's shenanagins. If your meta has not experienced him yet then it may actually cause less moaning if you use him non-optimal for the 1st couple of outings.

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Marionettes are not game changers, but they can work trivial jobs for you. Personal Puppet Transfer is additional advantage.  

And they are 3ss, but they have almoste 4ss minions' stats. So I use them to save SS for low cost models. 


But I think Collodi Box has Problem. It needs beatsticks. 

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Marionettes are not game changers, but they can work trivial jobs for you. Personal Puppet Transfer is additional advantage.  

And they are 3ss, but they have almoste 4ss minions' stats. So I use them to save SS for low cost models. 


But I think Collodi Box has Problem. It needs beatsticks. 


I don't think Wicked Dolls would be sold/played if they didn't come in the Collodi box set. XD


As for beatsticks, I don't think you can really can go wrong with the risky Stitched Together, but there's not really a thematically ppropriate "puppet" at higher levels other than Teddy to be a beatstick. Besides, we all know the real treasure in the new boxed set is Vasilisa so there's no use wishing for something different than what's already going to production. Plus, at least the new models other than Collodi (imo) look great.

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I don't think Wicked Dolls would be sold/played if they didn't come in the Collodi box set. XD


As for beatsticks, I don't think you can really can go wrong with the risky Stitched Together, but there's not really a thematically ppropriate "puppet" at higher levels other than Teddy to be a beatstick. Besides, we all know the real treasure in the new boxed set is Vasilisa so there's no use wishing for something different than what's already going to production. Plus, at least the new models other than Collodi (imo) look great.


Wicked Dolls are just for recycling campaign. "your scrap markers can be a minion!"

And Collodi can summon Wicked Dolls, so I think Wicked Dolls in the box are not bad. But I agree your opinion about Wicked Doll. 


Additionally, Teddy is not count as Puppet. 

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Yeah, that's why I put the quotes around it (though in my head they're air quotes since I mentally did the motion with my fingers when I was writing that).


I did forget about his summoning the dolls though, so I guess there is a use for them there. Generally speaking I like the mid-strong card more than I like one of those little suckers running around.

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Frankly Speaking, Wicked Dolls are less competitive than other low cost models. I like to use many low cost minions, but I agree Wicked dolls are less useful.  

Because there are Depleted, Terror Tot, Gupps in Neverborn and Collodi can take Marionettes and Effigies.

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Mannequins have a great synergy with marrionettes, since they can spend they turn moving up and then activating their signature aura, then each marrionette gets the chance to run up and throw a scheme marker 6' away. This can let you line in the sand, or protect territory or a large number of other schemes at range, on turn 2, without risking a puppet.

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