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Height of terrain (walls)



Hi there.


I'm building a 36" x 36" graveyard (yes it will be about as awesome as your imagining right now, or close!).  :)


This means lots of grave stones which will act as soft cover area terrain (they are on magnets, to act kind of like loose trees, in case you want your model right on top of a stone.)


Also there are walls, and here is the tricky part where I'm having doubts:


The walls are "solid brick" and 1.25 inches tall, here's a photo to give you an idea.



Walls are fairly straight forward, meaning these are Ht 1 solid, hard cover, and climbable.

Ht 2 and higher can see over the wall but can a Ht 1 model SEE and be SEEN by a Ht 2 (or higher) who perhaps is trying to shoot over the wall?


The climbable part: A small based model is b2b with the wall wants to climb over and stand b2b on the other side:


Would it cost 2.5" to climb the wall (double the height) + 2" (horizontal distance his base is moving when placed on the other side of the wall) for a total of 5.5" or is the climb actually both up and down, meaning he climbs up (2.5") then down on the other side (2.5") and +2" for the horizontal movement (total of 7") or would you not count the horizontal movement at all even though he is moving "forward" 2" in the process? 

Unimpeeded models still have to spend the extra inches climbing stuff, right?



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You have to move 1.25 inches up, which costs you 2.5". Then you have to move forward to make it over the wall (or stop on top of the wall or something). You can just jump down because the wall is less than 2" high, so you won't take any fall damage.

Then there is of course the possibility of just not making the wall impassable and climbable and just agree that it is severe and hard cover or something instead.

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Then there is of course the possibility of just not making the wall impassable and climbable and just agree that it is severe and hard cover or something instead.


...which would naturally mean that models can push trough without penalty.

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