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Question About Arsenal Decks


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If I'm just starting Malifaux and have nothing from 1E then I won't need any arsenal decks, will I. As I understand it, the arsenal decks are for upgrading people's 1e stuff to 2e and everything I will need as far as upgrades and such go will come in my 2e crew boxes? Or are there upgrade cards which only come in the arsenal decks?


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Brass Monkey pretty much summed it up.


I like the decks because I Proxy a few things that are not out yet and weren't in 1.0/5, like Shenlong or most of the gremlin faction. But if you're content just buying the box sets as they come out, you'll probably not miss the arsenal decks.


Personally I don't know that I have ever used one of the generic upgrades. Badge of office is a good one, but I don't believe I've ever actually used it! XD I think this depends a lot on which faction you choose as some are better than others. But if you have the rule books, you can look in there and see if you're really missing out on that upgrade.

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Definitely want to get your arsenal decks to get your general faction upgrades as those don't come in the model boxes. I also find them handy when trying to get my head around the synergies between models I don't have and haven't played with; I find it easier to have the cards spread out in front of me than to be flipping between pages of the rulebook. It helps me to decide which models I need to add into my collection.

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Personally I buy the arsenal decks because the thought of not having something I might possibly, someday, need drives me a bit crazy.  


That said, if I were a bit more budget conscious, and I already owned the large rule book,  I would type up plain text versions of the generic upgrades, print, cut, and paste to old pokemon cards.  

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