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No modles win



I was looking in to the book the other day to see if there was anything about winning the game out right if you tabeling the other guy.

(kill off all of the other persons models)


I was thinking you could still win the game with no models left on the board. unless there is a rule other wise.



like if by turn 5 i have 6 points and the other guy has 2 points.


if he had body guard Schem (but his guy was dead) and if he had Take Prisoner (but all my guys are dead)


The game end 2 - 5 to me but i have no one left alive, Do i still win ?

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I've won two games in the past and had no models on the table. By scoring your points early enough and spending the rest of the game denying your opponent theirs it's entirely possible although it wont happen very often. Malifaux is all about VP, it's not like 40k or Warmachine where you simple win by destroying your opponent. 

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You absolutely can win with no model on the table, which is just one more reason why this game is so awesome!  I've only ever pulled this off once: I scored a bunch of VP and then suicided all my models into my opponents' models to hold them in place and force them to kill my guys before dropping scheme markers.  It was very satisfying!

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