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Central Indiana Malifaux!


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So, now that the holidays are over, and the weather is (supposedly) getting better we are going to make a little change. I will now be at Saltire games every Wednesday from 6 to 9pm. Starting this week on March 4th.

If you lost your group, are looking for a new place to get a game in, or have never played at all, stop by and talk to me! I'm looking to build up a big enough group to start a league or even a tournament! So lets get this thing back off the ground and Indy can finally have a place to play Malifaux again!

Saltire Games
11732 Pendleton Pike
Indianapolis, IN 46236


PM me here or shoot me an email at the address in my signature. If Wednesdays don't work for you, let me know and we can meet up another day, they are super flexible (except Fridays cause of that one card game that a couple people play... -_-)

Hope to see you there!

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Just a reminder, We are going to be at Saltire this week from 6 to 9, so bring your Malifaux stuff and lets get some games going!


I would love to see a league start for us in the summer, so let's build up those numbers now so we can do it! XD

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Tonight's the night! We'll be there at 6pm and ready to get a game in!


Also, as always, if you want a demo I'm more than happy to get you going!


EDIT: Actually it looks like I will not be there tonight after all. Sorry about the change everyone, but I will definitely be back next week!

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Is it Wednesday again?


Oh yes other Jeremy, it is Wednesday. and that means it's Malifaux night! XD


as usual I will be at Saltire Games from 6 to 9pm tonight for  Malifaux demos! If you haven't played before, or maybe haven't tried out 2.0, you should stop by!


already know the rules and just looking to get a game in with some new opponents? then you're in luck because we know the rules too and are totally willing to play games against people we don't know!


either way, don't be shy, come to Satlire games tonight (or any Wednesday) from 6 to 9pm.

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Hey Jeremy!

   I'm just up Hwy 65 an hour, and one of these weeks I am going to get down to Indy for your Wednesday games.  We play Tuesdays at The Sage's Shoppe in West Lafayette.  Will your regular Wednesday games be continuing into the summer?

   In other news, TippCon is in two weeks, and we will be having a Malifaux hard-core tournament Sunday, April 12.  I am going to get something posted on this event in two shakes ...

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Hey there!


Our Wednesday games will go until the store owner decides to kick us out! If I'm ever not going to make it, I post it up here and on the Malifaux indy facebook page which I really use just to haunt Saltire's facebook for advertising the Wednesday night games. =]

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Also, Tonight is Wednesday night!


sure, we have some storms this morning, but I am going to show up anyway! (long as the building is still standing, that is...)


So don't forget, tonight, from 6pm to 9pm come on down to Saltire games for some Malifaux!


Demos, free play, and as always, when we get enough people to show up consistently, I'm ready to start a league!

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Hello! Happy Monday morning everyone.

It's a new week, and that means it's almost Wednesday.. and Wednesday means new Malifaux demo night at Saltire Games!

I hope to see some new faces this week. I know a few of you have stopped by to ask about it.. .maybe this week you should try it out? XD

Hopefully you guys can make it, remember: Wednesday 6 to 9 pm. I'm right up front in the game room, you can't miss it!

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How many people usually come to play? I have never played the game (just been painting) but I would really love to be shown how to play.  Also, I'm 37, how old are the group?

Hey! More often than not, Martel and I are the only regulars. My wife comes along every once in a while (she's third shift, so it depends on when she gets up, haha). We have 4 or 5 people now who have been there once or twice, but most of them were caught up in an infinity league so they couldn't make it up there two nights in the same week. Totally understand. And back at the store we used to play at we had probably 15 people who rotated in from week to week.

I'm 28, martel is a little older than I am (Right?) couple of the other guys are older than us too. Most with families. it's pretty laid back to be honest.

Is there a week that you were thinking about stopping by? As the post says, I'm there every Wednesday. Though I'm going to have to skip out on tonight's events. I have been sick all morning, and was coming to this post to let everyone know that I am going to have to cancel the demo tonight. I just want to go home, drink an entire bottle of pepto bismol and sleep. it was all I could do to drag myself into work today.

But of course any other week that you want to meet up, just let me know. I'm happy to show you the game. XD

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Hey everyone! Tomorrow is Wednesday, and that means MALIFAUX!


I will be at Saltire games from 6pm to 9pm tomorrow evening. I'm always happy to give a demo, or just play a game. good times all around.


Hope to see you there!

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You know what tomorrow is?


It's Wednesday!


You know what that means??




Yeah!! As always, I will be at Saltire games from 6pm to 9pm and doing demos of this wonderful game. Also, if you don't want a demo, but want to get an actual game in, we can pickle that, I mean we can accommodate that! Some come check it out. it's a great place with some really awesome people.


And as usual, if we get enough regular people, I'd love to start a league!

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We are going to try something new this week everyone!


I know we usually meet on Wednesdays, but attendances has been... Less that stellar.


SO, this week we are going to change it up. We will be at Saltire games on Saturday, May 9th from 12pm to 3pm. (maybe later depending on how early the next group shows up.)


Also, if you show up and get a demo you get a ticket for our raffle. at the end of May we'll do a drawing and the winner gets a 2.0 box set of their choice. (as long as it is available. sorry, I can't make them release Hamlin early... I don't have THAT kind of power :P)


**Special thanks to Martel for not only coming up with this idea, but also fronting the cost. so all props go to him**


So, if you want, come on down to Saltire Games on Saturday May 9th at 12pm!


If Saturday ends up working better for you guys, speak up. We are toying with the idea of moving to this time slot for a while.

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